Wooden Leg and Boyfriend... These People Cried Receiving Such Strange Gifts

08 Dec 2023

Christmas gifts can be diverse: heartwarming, kind, funny, and weird. We've found 50 of the most interesting ones that users shared on social media. They will surely lift your spirits.

1. Pandemic Gift

In times of a pandemic, the best gift is the end of quarantine because there is nothing better than health and freedom. The giver reminded us of the most important thing during the festive Christmas season.

1. Pandemic Gift.jpg?format=webp@Insaniteus/reddit.com

2. Christmas Cannon

I think it’s a very unusual Christmas gift. As an option, it will decorate a private plot, as it definitely won't fit into a house, let alone an apartment. But the most interesting part is the wrapping of the present itself: someone put a lot of effort into wrapping the entire cannon, taking into account all the details.

2. Christmas Cannon.jpg?format=webp@altrefrain/reddit.com

3. Funny Gifts

The most valuable gifts are those created by hand. This person really put in some effort, especially when creating micro puzzles. Of course, the gifts are humorous. Their main task is to bring a smile. I think they will skillfully cope with this task.

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4. Chicken Fashion Show

A friend decided to play a prank and gifted his buddy the ultimate headwear: attention, for his chickens. It's unclear whether he knitted them himself or purchased them, but it turned out to be quite amusing. Now, the chicks will be warm and might even become internet sensations.  

4. Chicken Fashion Show.jpg?format=webp@People Share 52 Of The Funniest Christmas Gifts They Got/Daily Humor/YouTube.com

5. Family Look

When your friend has a beloved pet, the best gifts come in pairs to delight both. Now, the owner has a sweatshirt with their dog's picture, and the dog has one with their owner's photo. It's the coolest matching look you can find.

5. Family Look.jpg?format=webp@cfatt/reddit.com

6. The Intriguing Gift

We don't know what's inside, but the packaging of the gift is intriguing. The serious robot present seems to hint that sometimes it's worth relaxing and smiling, even for Christmas. Then life will sparkle with different colors, and new possibilities and perspectives will open up.

6. The Intriguing Gift.jpg?format=webp@niC00L/reddit.com

7. He said “Yes”

The network user who posted this photo shared that she had been dreaming of a dog for a long time, but her husband was against it. She was already losing hope when suddenly, for Christmas, she received this pendant with the imprint of the dog's paw. The most important gift was under the decoration: her husband wrote "OK," meaning “I agree to get a dog.”

7. He said “Yes”.jpg?format=webp@klawlz/reddit.com

8. Irreplaceable bottle

It's hard to imagine this world without coffee. For many people, it's not just a way to wake up but also a small piece of pleasure. The inventor of this office gift for his colleagues came up with an irreplaceable bottle that always contains delicious coffee, or so he claims.

8. Irreplaceable bottle.jpg?format=webp@spyker54/reddit.com

9. Simpsons, always with you

These shoes are a cool gift for Simpsons fans. They are fun and unusual. They won't suit the boring ones, but humor enthusiasts will appreciate and even proudly show off such an unconventional gift.

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10. An Honest Gift

When you have both fun and honest friends, you'll never be without a gift. Even when their finances aren't in the best shape, they'll find a way to bring a smile to your face. It seems like they managed to do just that for their friend. After all, we all know that the main thing is not the gift itself, but the important attention given.

10. An Honest Gift.jpg?format=webp@rrrroasted/reddit.com

11. Drill?

Is someone still that joker who ingeniously wrapped a gift to resemble a drill? Probably, the lady who saw this present was initially shocked, but when she finally unwrapped it, she likely burst into laughter. In any case, it's a very interesting way to present a gift that will leave a lasting memory for years to come.

11. Drill.jpg?format=webp@Battelalon/reddit.com

12. Ugly Bag 

A banana bag is a practical and trendy item. However, the design of this one is slightly surprising and seems to imply extra weight. It might even offend someone. But it appears that this woman has a sense of humor about such a gift, and she's not afraid to look funny.

12. Ugly Bag .jpg?format=webp@People Share 52 Of The Funniest Christmas Gifts They Got/Daily Humor/YouTube.com

13. Ghost Catcher

A father crafted the most original gift for his son. From an old vacuum cleaner, he made a little ghost and monster catcher. It seems the child is very happy and ready for battle. No wonder – it's a lifelong memory from childhood.

13. Ghost Catcher.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/reddit.com

14. Christmas Surprise

Nothing delights a significant other like news of an eagerly anticipated baby. A little note about the tidings is a wonderful way to greet your loved one with holiday cheer. Suddenly, there will be several reasons to celebrate.

14. Christmas Surprise.jpg?format=webp@baxtersmalls/reddit.com

15. The Perfect Man, Always There

This gift can surprise and simultaneously delight your single friend who is either in search of a strong and faithful man or has become disillusioned in relationships. It's a very unconventional gift, but it might come in handy for someone.

15. The Perfect Man, Always There.jpg?format=webp@People Share 52 Of The Funniest Christmas Gifts They Got/Daily Humor/YouTube.com

16. Memorable Toy

This cute girl handcrafted a large number of toys as Christmas gifts for her family and friends. She put a lot of effort into her work, and the toys turned out to be wonderful. Hopefully, her loved ones appreciated this effort.

16. Memorable Toy.jpg?format=webp@ConstanzaL/reddit.com

17. A Friend Who Knows Your Needs

A true friend knows how to offer support and lift your spirits. When a man was planning a minor surgery, his buddy didn't stand idly by. He created an original and humorous contraption resembling the structure of limb bones and gifted it for Christmas. With his gift, he seemed to say, “Buddy, I'll always come up with something; you can count on me.”

17. A Friend Who Knows Your Needs.jpg?format=webp@People Share 52 Of The Funniest Christmas Gifts They Got/Daily Humor/YouTube.com

18. Unusual Handcrafted Blanket

For several months, a girl was knitting a blanket with a reindeer motif for her brother. It turned out beautifully, but the question remains - why a reindeer? Perhaps it's a playful hint or simply Christmas associations. We don't know if the girl's brother appreciated this gift, but the cat seems to be thrilled.

18. Unusual Handcrafted Blanket.jpg?format=webp@Kiassen/reddit.com

19. Pirate's Treasure

The man decided to delight his landlord upon learning of his pirate fandom. So, he gifted him a bottle of rum and paid the rent for the next month in coins. The landlord was both thrilled and shocked at the same time.

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20. Mysterious Book

Perhaps the elderly lady is a big fan of chicken meat, specifically rooster meat, as she received such an extraordinary book as a gift. What's more intriguing is whether she will try all 50 ways of tasting the meat of this bird in practice. We can only speculate.

20. Mysterious Book.jpg?format=webp@Conr8r/reddit.com

21. Metal Container for Alcoholic Drinks

If your friend knows your tastes, they will take them into account when choosing a gift, and even more - they will make something by hand. A man crafted a special container for storing alcoholic beverages for his friend. He put not only his effort and time into his work but, most importantly, his whole soul.

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22. Gentleman's Pillow

For Christmas, the granddaughter surprised her grandfather with an unconventional pillow shaped like a shirt with suspenders. He probably enjoys dressing in this style himself, and that's why this decor sparked corresponding associations for his granddaughter. Perhaps, when Grandpa goes to play chess, Grandma will miss him and be able to embrace his pillow until her beloved returns home.

22. Gentleman's Pillow.jpg?format=webp@cegit521/reddit.com

23. Joke T-shirt

In my opinion, the perfect gift for a secret Santa. The playful design can remind you of a wonderfully spent evening with friends and later bring joy to your family members. The main thing is not to end up with a nickname like “Lizard Doggo.”

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24. Creative Approach to Gifts

If it's not a professionally wrapped toilet, it's a very interesting way of presenting gifts. It's great that people approach Christmas surprises for their loved ones with humor. The main thing is that the recipients share such approaches. 

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25. McDonald's Wrapping

When your friend is a fan of McDonald's and similar brands, and you have accumulated a lot of fast-food bags at home, there's no need to buy gift wrapping paper. Agree, such an approach is very interesting and thoughtful. It's worth adopting. 

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26. Leggings for a Fan

A fan of actor Steve Buscemi received leggings for Christmas. Now, he will always be on her hips. Whether the actor himself was thrilled with it remains a matter of speculation.

26. Leggings for a Fan.jpg?format=webp@deepsouthsloth/reddit.com

27. How to Make Peace at Christmas

A guy decided to break the silence with his offended loved one and sent her this funny postcard. Hopefully, after reading it, she, at the very least, decided to talk to him.

27. How to Make Peace at Christmas.jpg?format=webp@People Share 52 Of The Funniest Christmas Gifts They Got/Daily Humor/YouTube.com

28. Embroidered Toilet Paper

To be honest, this design is fire. It looks very creative. However, it doesn't change the question: How to use this toilet paper now? Because from now on, it's suitable only for decoration, not for its direct purpose.

28. Embroidered Toilet Paper.jpg?format=webp@2cookieparties/reddit.com

29. Emergency Toilet Roll

The man delighted his colleagues on the eve of Christmas with a gift: an Emergency Toilet Roll with detailed instructions. We think it brought considerable relief to the company's employees. Perhaps they even tested it out.

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30. Matching Socks

Cool socks for two – both for the owner and his furry friend. What could be more delightful than such cute gifts? It seems the pet is thrilled and ready to test them out.

30. Matching Socks.jpg?format=webp@Nickw1116/reddit.com

31. "Northern Deer" for Christmas

People resort to various tricks to impress their loved ones with an unusual presentation of their gift. Just think about how much time was spent on this original reindeer-shaped wrapping – it's meticulous work. It's exciting what gifts are inside, but from the outside, it's already making an impression.

31. Northern Deer for Christmas.jpg?format=webp@NovusOldMan/reddit.com

32. Unspecific Packaging

Yet another unusual Christmas gift wrapping. However, this time it's very specific and, in the best case, resembles a rocket, but that's still a matter of interpretation. Although among friends, various humorous things are entirely acceptable. The main moment is that it is taken as a joke rather than an insult.

32. Unspecific Packaging.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/reddit.com

33. Bedding with a Twist

The daughter decided to delight her parents with bedding featuring a whimsical design. Surprisingly, they didn't rush to put it on, claiming they forgot. However, the daughter decided to be clever and made them a surprise by dressing their bed herself. As you can imagine, the parents were overjoyed.

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34. Gift with a Hidden Message

The father-in-law decided to gift his daughter a picture with the caption "How to Live with an Idiot." The hint was directed at his son-in-law, whom he didn't particularly like. An interesting way to once again suggest to his daughter that she was wasting her time with an unworthy man, according to her father's opinion. 

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35. Not Like Everyone Else

When you have a good relationship with your mother-in-law, you can express it not only in words but also with a Christmas gift. This present hits the bullseye. Judging by the image on the mug, with this mother-in-law, you can go through fire, water, and even a strip club.

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36. Joke Gift

Christmas is a time for warm memories and good emotions. Often, on this day, many people exchange humorous gifts that bring a smile and reaffirm that the person knows you well. A girl gave her friend a set of pens with the inscription "Borrow my pen?" so, that she always has them readily available throughout the upcoming year.

36. Joke Gift.jpg?format=webp@iDraxis/reddit.com

37. Scarf with Love

The girl spared no effort and hand-knitted the longest scarf for her beloved father. Perhaps she was aiming for the Guinness World Records, or maybe her dad just loves to bundle up. In any case, the scarf turned out to be quite impressive. 

37. Scarf with Love.jpg?format=webp@SirPotatoKing/reddit.com

38. Copy-paste Christmas Greetings

Every year, the woman went through the trouble of personalizing individual cards for her children. However, this time, she decided to take a shortcut and make them all the same. Why bother when all kids are equal, and mom loves them all the same.

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39. When Your Drink Is Ready for Battle

During the holidays, it's a common tradition to gift each other alcoholic beverages, especially for enthusiasts. However, some friends took it a step further and dressed the bottle in knight's armor. The visual appeal of such a gift immediately skyrocketed.

39. When Your Drink Is Ready for Battle.jpg?format=webp@delicatedead/reddit.com

40. A Surprise from Secret Santa

When your boss is your Secret Santa at work, you inadvertently hope for an unusual gift. In the end, you receive a mug with the initial letter of your name. Well, it's still a very personalized gift that you can take with you whenever you decide to change jobs.

40. A Surprise from Secret Santa.jpg?format=webp@country_boy_at_heart/reddit.com

41. Christmas Conspiracy

When all family members conspire, expect a fantastic gift that will shock you. This guy received a pillow with his image from his loved ones. When he's alone, he definitely won't feel lonely, as he'll be surrounded by photos of the closest person in various interpretations.

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42. Gift in a Recession Year

During a crisis, it's essential to save money. A wooden ruler for men subtly hints at who might need to tighten their belts. Women rarely speak directly about important matters; often, they drop hints to men.

42. Gift in a Recession Year.jpg?format=webp@bsnr1/reddit.com

43. Note to Sweet Tooth

The girl delighted her sister with several kilograms of ice cream. To finish it, one will need strength and health. Unless, of course, she decides to share it with the family.

43. Note to Sweet Tooth.jpg?format=webp@chocopear/reddit.com

44. A Creative 3D Card Surprise with Reindeer Delight

The boy told his parents that a festive card would be enough for him for Christmas. They fulfilled his wish but approached the implementation creatively. The parents created a kind of 3D card with reindeer made from boxes standing against the background of a Christmas tree.

44. A Creative 3D Card Surprise with Reindeer Delight.jpg?format=webp@jokingly_Josie/reddit.com

45. Emotional Elixir

The girl created capsules for her boyfriend against annoyance and bad mood. In reality, there's no need to take them because, inside the capsule, there's a small message. When feeling down, just open one pill and read what's written there. After that, the gloom lifts as if by magic.

45. Emotional Elixir.jpg?format=webp@hanrar11/reddit.com

46. Giant Stocking Surprise

The guy went the extra mile and knitted a gigantic stocking for his beloved for Christmas. In the photo, you can see how it compares to a banana – well, it's huge! But what to do with it? Perhaps wrap yourself up in it like a blanket and get cozy.

46. Giant Stocking Surprise.jpg?format=webp@Pwnydanza01/reddit.com

47. The Gift of Opposition

For some, Santa brings a candy cane for misbehavior, while others receive pieces of coal. Everyone gets a Christmas gift that, according to the giver, they deserve.

47. The Gift of Opposition.jpg?format=webp@People Share 52 Of The Funniest Christmas Gifts They Got/Daily Humor/YouTube.com

48. Hint from the parents 

Seemingly, gifting suitcases is a good idea with no underlying message, but there is one "but." If you're over 20 and still living with your parents, be prepared for them to start bringing up the topic when they gift you suitcases for Christmas. In this case, the suitcases become a hint for finding a new place to live.

48. Hint from the parents .jpg?format=webp@cheetahkk/reddit.com

49. Lego Penny

The owner used to gift his dog something with its image every year, be it a pillow or a bowl. But this time, he outdid himself by presenting the family pet with a LEGO replica of the dog. It seems the gift puzzled the pet more than it pleased.

49. Lego Penny.jpg?format=webp@Lotan/reddit.com

50. Sisterly Teasing

If you had a younger sister in your childhood, you know how fun it can be. She will always find a way to tease you, and she won't forget about it even when she grows up. But it's worth remembering that the older sister can pay back in the same coin. 

50. Sisterly Teasing.jpg?format=webp@Sa1tyWaffles/reddit.com
