50 Eye-Opening Tumblr Posts Revealing Women's Daily Struggles

04 Jul 2024

Few men realize what women go through daily. Defending themselves and their values is their main task today. We've found 50 women's Tumblr posts that showcase their daily hell. A must-read for men.

1. Too Many Demands on Women

Society has long been accustomed to the idea that a woman should be perfect: shaved legs, flawless makeup, long hair, and many other "must-haves." But does a woman really owe any of this to anyone? And if so, why aren't all these requirements for appearance imposed on men?

1. Too Many Demands on Women.jpg?format=webp@coral-fangs/shelleythesnail.tumblr.com

Because they usually have more freedom and can just be themselves. As if this is enough to be considered and respected. But isn't it time to accept women as they are? We think we need to change this attitude in favor of women. Only then will equality reign.

2. Legitimate Claims when Promises are not Kept

Men are known for their ability to promise but not deliver. They often boast about their capabilities and achievements but in reality, they don't do even half of what they promise. Moreover, they often forget about what they promised.

2. Legitimate Claims when Promises are not Kept.jpg?format=webp@girthakitt/tumblr.com

So, in this situation, there are two options: either lower your expectations or stop relying on a man's word altogether. Each woman chooses an option for herself, the main thing is to realize the consequences. It turns out that nothing is too complicated.

3. Who Cares?

When will people finally stop judging others for their choice of relationship partner? Everyone chooses the person who appeals to him or her. Whether it's a feminine guy or a masculine woman, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that both feel comfortable.

3. Who Cares.jpg?format=webp@limpwristbisexual/tumblr.com

And for some reason, strangers always have a say in others' lives, believing that only their opinion is correct and deserves to exist. It is better to concentrate on your life and enjoy the moment. Then there will be no time to discuss other people.

4. "Shock” the World Community

Yes, it is true that love can be unrequited and women can also ignore or reject men who are in love with them. However, there are those who are surprised by this. After all, how can you refuse a man? If he has already paid attention, you should be sincerely grateful to him.

4. @eemersonm/tumblr.com

Unfortunately, there are those who think this way. But in today's world, these are modern realities. There is freedom of speech and feelings. We can choose our own partners and break off relations with them whenever we feel the need. There are no one-sided rights, everything is equal.

5. Must-Have Pockets

Fashion often dictates its own rules, and it can sometimes be quite demeaning. Designers have their unique vision for women’s attire, and occasionally, they deliberately leave out details that are present in men’s clothing but are equally essential for women.

5.  Must-Have Pockets.jpg?format=webp@fancifullauren/indsayetumbls.tumblr.com

Some fashion designers believe that pockets are only necessary for men because they tend to use them to store various items—everything from keys to lighters. However, women also have similar needs and habits. They too can find plenty of things to put in their pockets.

6. Marriage is Not Mandatory

A woman may not want to get married, and that's okay. She may not want to have children, and that's okay too. Not everyone needs it. Nevertheless, this does not mean that such a woman's life is wasted and will not be useful to society.

6. Marriage is Not Mandatory.jpg?format=webp@hagfem/tumblr.com

She can create a successful career, help people, and animals, and just live her happy life. That's all you need to know for those who are so fond of gossip and have their own right opinion on everything. There are just some things you need to learn to accept.

7. Are You Still Surprised That a Woman Might Not Shave Her Legs?

Imagine how deeply ingrained biased stereotypes are in our upbringing. For example, the notion that a woman must shave her legs simply because "that's how it should be." Even young children are taught this, so they can start judging others from an early age.

7. Are You Still Surprised That a Woman Might Not Shave Her Legs.jpg?format=webp@geekandmisandry/tumblr.com

It’s time to let go of such demands. Everyone should have the choice, of whether to shave their legs or not. Others must respect this choice. A person is, first and foremost, an individual, regardless of gender or status. They have their own vision of themselves. What matters most is not their appearance, but their actions.

8. Men Know How to Create Drama

Men are sure that women are all Drama Queens and all their conversations take place only in this format. They say that the coolest company is exclusively male, where there is no room for unnecessary emotions and conversations are more rational and restrained. But is this really true?

8. Men Know How to Create Drama.jpg?format=webp@schmergo/tumblr.com

The reality is much more complex and interesting. In fact, men can be just as good at drama. They also experience, discuss, conflict and react to events with emotional intensity. Under the guise of restraint, they often hide a deep sensitivity that they are not always ready to openly demonstrate.

9. Is Being a Girl an Expensive Pleasure?

For greedy and short-sighted men, a girl is an extra expense and a lot of whims. They believe that it is too difficult and costly for a girl to be a girl. But what can you do, if you follow their logic, that's life. Fortunately, there is another type of man who thinks differently.

9. Is Being a Girl an Expensive Pleasure.jpg?format=webp@fat-amy-for-president/crawling-on-scraped-knees.tumblr.com

They are happy to spend money on girls and are happy to have them in their lives. As they say, it all depends on one's attitude to this issue. When you invest in a woman, these investments will definitely come back, and even double.

10. The Hater Got in Touch

What is it about girls that makes this guy so angry that he even organized a poll asking what exactly you hate about girls? Probably, you should first admit to yourself the reason for such a dislike for the beautiful half of humanity, and work on it with a psychologist.

10. The Hater Got in Touch.jpg?format=webp@here-be-fangirls/plushyy.tumblr.com

And then, perhaps, the desire to do such surveys will disappear. As they say, all problems are in our heads, and that's where we should start solving them to avoid prematurely blaming others. Everything in life is much simpler. So, take this advice to heart.

11. The Right to Dress as You Wish

Women are often criticized for their natural right to wear what they like. For some reason, it is believed that open clothes are provocative, while closed clothes are dull and uninteresting. But is it really true? Does a woman have to cover herself so that no one thinks badly of her?

11. The Right to Dress as You Wish.jpg?format=webp@scalelectricity/tumblr.com

Definitely not. Everyone has their own style and taste. No one cares if a girl wears a short skirt or a long one because it's her right and nothing more. She doesn't plan to provoke anyone, she just wants to dress like that today. And people have a habit of discussing with others, and unfortunately, it is difficult to eradicate.

12. You're Not Like Everyone Else, What Should I Do?

Yes, we are all different. Everyone has their own way of thinking, their own views on style, lifestyle, approach to relationships, and work. Despite the fact that we do have some similarities, we are also very different. But this can't be a problem, because all of these are more advantages that can be successfully combined with the advantages of other people.

12. You're Not Like Everyone Else, What Should I Do.jpg?format=webp@theawesomeadventurer/tumblr.com

Sometimes you just have to take it easy and then it will become clear that it's nothing. It's all about the simple ability to accept other people with all their flaws. And in fact, people often exaggerate and believe that when a person has dyed his or her hair green, he or she has become radically different and now you need to learn a special language to communicate with them.

13. The Permission He Should Have Taken

For some reason, some men allow themselves to discuss intimate things in public, to share the nuances of a night together with a woman without asking her permission. Such things are not acceptable. After all, this is a personal moment involving two people, and everything that happens between them should be disclosed only by mutual consent.

13. The Permission He Should Have Taken.jpg?format=webp@flaccidrap/tumblr.com

But since there is no legal ban on this, some men take advantage of it. Unfortunately, moral laws do not apply to everyone, which is a pity. We can only believe in the power of the boomerang, which must come back. Because today you allow yourself to discuss indecent things, and tomorrow the same thing will be done to you. It is not very pleasant to change places in this case.

14. Anti-male Behavior

It seems that some men are so obsessed with women's charms that they lose control of themselves. They allow themselves a variety of unpleasant statements about women's parameters and shapes, and it looks disgusting. These men, indulging in their superficial thoughts, forget that a woman is not just a body but a personality with her own dreams, feelings, and talent.

14. Anti-male Behavior.jpg?format=webp@dragon-in-a-fez/tumblr.com

Women's beauty and self-expression are often subject to judgment and criticism, which not only causes discomfort but also destroys self-confidence. A culture that forces women to cover up their natural beauty to avoid judgment supports a mentality that says the problem is with the woman, not the behavior of those who judge her. It shifts responsibility to women, forcing them to change their appearance or hide, rather than eradicate the dismissive attitudes toward them.

15. Time for Women to Make Jokes at Men

Imagine if girls started imitating men in their unpleasant jokes with the sole purpose of humiliating them. They would hardly like it. So, why do they allow themselves to do this? Problems with their upbringing? Complexes? Or a dismissive attitude towards women?

15. Time for Women to Make Jokes at Men.jpg?format=webp@thecorinediaries/tumblr.com

Whatever the case, men should think about these things and take this comment into account. Girls often have to feel uncomfortable with certain uncomfortable statements made by men. In addition, they need to defend and protect themselves. But isn't it a man who should protect a woman and keep her safe? We believe there is no need to respond to this inquiry.

16. Never Argue with a Woman

Do you think you can win an argument with a woman? Hardly, especially when you don't have any valid arguments to discuss. The man described in the post didn't even know the woman and didn't know anything about her skills, but he allowed himself to prove that he didn't know anything about macarons. The woman was wise and elegantly put the arrogant man in his place.

16. Never Argue with a Woman.jpg?format=webp@spearmint-milkshake/tumblr.com

It's a great story that serves as an example of how not to behave when you allow yourself to make unfounded accusations about what you don't know. Probably, such an attitude is caused by short-sightedness and high self-confidence, which put the man in a very uncomfortable and unpleasant situation for him.

17. Don't Mess with Women

Don't believe it? Read this post. Joking around with women can be truly dangerous, and it’s wise to tread carefully. Some men don't even realize that a delicate woman can stand up for herself, so it's worth asking if she's interested in continuing the acquaintance or not. It's true what they say, after all: "You can't force someone to like you."

17. Don't Mess with Women.jpg?format=webp@honeybruh/tumblr.com

Men often underestimate the strength and independence of women, viewing them as weak or helpless. However, women can be very determined and capable of defending their interests. Every woman deserves respect and has the right to her personal space. Joking with women or treating them without proper respect can lead to unpleasant consequences for those who don't understand boundaries.

18. Sexism Thrives

When men forget themselves, they start to publicly write all sorts of sexist remarks, demeaning the dignity of women. For those who have forgotten that they were brought into this world by a woman, let us remind you that women are beautiful, delicate beings who bring life into this world and enrich it. They deserve respect and the right to be acknowledged and considered.

18. Sexism Thrives.jpg?format=webp@livebloggingmydescentintomadness/tumblr.com

It's deeply saddening that some who consider themselves the "stronger half" of humanity lose their dignity when they make such disparaging comments. These remarks are not only a reflection of ignorance but also a betrayal of the very principles of decency and respect.

19. The Double Standards

Women are frequently judged harshly for their natural state or for not adhering to beauty standards that are often unrealistic and time-consuming. The pressure to conform to these standards can be overwhelming and demeaning. For instance, a woman who chooses to embrace her natural body hair or step out without makeup is often viewed as unkempt or less attractive.

19. The Double Standards.jpg?format=webp@mainflopgirl/funnymachine3000.tumblr.com

On the other hand, men enjoy a far more lenient set of social expectations. It's common for men to appear in public with little regard for grooming or personal hygiene without facing the same level of judgment or critique. A man with unshaven stubble, wrinkled clothes, or a natural odor is rarely held to the same rigorous standard of appearance as a woman.

20. How do You Want to Impress Her?

You can impress a woman not only with money. The ability to earn money is, of course, an important quality that ensures a comfortable life. However, it is not enough for a comfortable life together. Men forget about this when they have money. They think that a woman can be bought.

20. How do You Want to Impress Her.jpg?format=webp@undeadracoon/funnymachine3000.tumblr.com

But they are wrong. A woman needs an interesting partner with something to talk about and a reliable and responsible man. But not everyone understands this and judges by some stereotypes that only humiliate women and spoil their mood.

21. Outside the Law

Women are judged almost every day and often receive the most judgment for their choice of clothing. Society often tends to judge women harshly for what they wear and impose certain standards of appearance on them. It is as if there is an invisible law governing how a woman should look, and if she violates it, she is subject to public condemnation.

21. Outside the Law.jpg?format=webp@angelinthesnow666/tumblr.com

One vivid illustration of this situation is a metaphor where a woman appears as a sheep, and society is like wolves, ready to tear her to pieces for the slightest deviation from the norms. Whether it's the choice of clothes, hairstyle, or makeup, these "wolves" will always find something to catch on to and justify their right to criticize.

22. Applications with a Hint

Menstruation is a completely natural process for a woman and one that shouldn't be embarrassing at all. However, as it turns out, some apps promise to help with pain and discomfort during this difficult period for women. But in reality, for some reason, they promise s*x advice.

22. Applications with a Hint.jpg?format=webp@keelytubbs/tumblr.com

Why? Why did the developers of such apps decide that only sexual intimacy is the reason why a woman started looking for such apps? No one has yet canceled medical advice in a particular situation. Developers should at least organize a survey on this issue so that their app starts working correctly.

23. Mothers Abuse Daughters

Do you think that only men and strangers abuse women? No, even mothers abuse their own daughters. Moms always have their expectations of their children. But the biggest ones are from their daughters. Some women dream that their daughter will only marry well.

23. Mothers Abuse Daughters.jpg?format=webp@iamsoogie/tumblr.com

But you shouldn't forget to ask the child what he or she wants. Perhaps an adult wants to build a career or just live for themselves for a while. If you want your child to be happy, we advise you to let them realize their dreams and do what they enjoy.

24. Tense Communication with Men

Women often have to tense up when they communicate with men, whether at work, on a date, or just on the street. That's because men can subconsciously misunderstand the words of the woman they are talking to. And they don't even make an effort to clarify the situation.

24. Tense Communication with Men.jpg?format=webp@wittgensteining/tumblr.com

Some men perceive common courtesy as a sexual hint and an invitation to a date when the smile means nothing in reality. And then a woman receives angry messages for allegedly promising something and not fulfilling it. And this leads to very uncomfortable moments.

25. Only Perfect

In this world, high standards apply only to women. They are supposed to be good housewives, mothers, and careerists, and "carry their husbands in their arms." But no matter how hard a woman tries, she still doesn't do everything well enough.

25. Only Perfect.jpg?format=webp@lonelinessqueen/tumblr.com

Why is that? Because she is a woman and should do even better and better. Perhaps society should lower the bar and be more lenient with women who already take on a lot of responsibility. Then the world will become a better and kinder place.

26. Being a Woman is a Crime

There are instances when the majority of men view a woman exclusively as a sexual object, disregarding her other human qualities such as intelligence, wit, resourcefulness, and kindness. In other words, they perceive a woman as an object created solely to satisfy the male ego.

26. Being a Woman is a Crime.jpg?format=webp@ar0acejay/tumblr.com

For centuries, women have fought for their rights—to vote, to work, and to do what they desire. Throughout this struggle, men were supposed to respect and acknowledge women, and while progress has been made, it's not complete. Such unpleasant attitudes from men still persist today.

27. Things that Hurt when You are a Woman

Being a woman is not only beautiful but also painful. Menstruation and childbirth are clear proof of this. However, people decided that this was not enough, and they came up with a lot of rules that women still have to follow. We will name some of them now.

27. Things that Hurt when You are a Woman.jpg?format=webp@punprincess321/tumblr.com

If the fashion is for long hair, then every girl has to wear it, if you gain weight, you have to lose it because it's not pretty, and of course, our favorite, don't forget to shave your legs. You understand correctly, that in this society, women have more responsibilities than rights. So, what have we been fighting for so long?

28. Smiling is not Flirting

A smile is not necessarily a flirtation. Most often, it is a common manifestation of politeness and a sweet gesture. But not everyone understands it correctly, or perhaps they just don't want to understand it correctly. This mostly concerns men who see hints in everything.

28. Smiling is not Flirting.jpg?format=webp@pandascoffemug/tumblr.com

Of course, we can't look so deeply into the magical world of men but we can tell them this once and clearly that they shouldn't jump to conclusions. A grin is all that it is—just a smile. This argument is a great reason to think about it.

29. A Million Questions

Even as a teenager, girls are asked a whole bunch of incorrect questions: when to get married, how many children you want, what profession you have chosen. These questions do not disappear even afterward. The impression is that a woman needs to be constantly asked about something and a dossier made about her.

29.  A Million Questions.jpg?format=webp@shadowgale96/tumblr.com

But instead of these surveys, you should at least occasionally ask very simple questions like "How are you?", "How can I help you?", "Can I give you a hug?". These questions are more constructive and show genuine concern rather than dismissiveness.

30. Like a Rattlesnake

Society believes that women only need money, fur coats and diamonds, and a very good marriage. But in reality, she just needs personal space and respect, and she will build the rest on her own, just don't let the gate interfere with her.

30. Like a Rattlesnake.jpg?format=webp@its-all-down-hill/tumblr.com

However, the world is in no hurry to satisfy such basic female needs. Therefore, women have to be reminded of this in various ways, including through such posts on social media. This is a brilliant and very appropriate move.

31. Endless Strange Questions

Almost all girls have encountered similar questions when they were on a date with a man in a cafe. But constantly having to explain why you're taking your purse to the restroom is very annoying. You don't have to but when is it necessary?

31. Endless Strange Questions.jpg?format=webp@chelseaisavegan/tumblr.com

It would seem that grown men should already know the answer to this question and not put a woman in an awkward position. Yet every time they repeat it again and again. Perhaps they share a sense of humor? The reason is trivial: don't invent anything new.

32. Be Proud but Keep Control

How often does it happen when your loved ones say they are very proud of you and think you are doing a great job? But in reality, they continue to manipulate and control your life. This is when words do not match deeds and a woman begins to feel incredible pressure.

32. Be Proud, but Keep Control.jpg?format=webp@aloysaviorofmeridian/tumblr.com

And such things are not good for her at all. They provoke constant tension and nervousness because a woman must always prove something and defend herself when presented with claims. And this only takes away her strength and time to develop and move on.

33. Single Women Have It Harder

Few men think about how difficult it is for women who have to decide everything on their own, including even thinking about their safety. Some of them carry pepper spray, while others keep a knife in a secret place in every room.

33. Single Women Have It Harder.jpg?format=webp@blvckwidow/tumblr.com

Being a woman is not easy. It is a test and a challenge all the time. In today's world, it is important to be independent and self-reliant to be able to provide for yourself and protect yourself no matter what. And given the possibility of all kinds of dangers from the outside, you also need to know the basics of self-defense.

34. What it Means to Be an Ideal Woman

For some reason, there are always more requirements for women than for men. One of the strangest and most unpleasant ones is to keep the weight off. They say that a woman must be slim, otherwise she ceases to be a woman, right? Who decided this? A council of men?

34. What it Means to Be an Ideal Woman.jpg?format=webp@redsatinsheets/tumblr.com

At the same time, an overweight man is a handsome man, because someone who eats well is strong and worthy of respect. Also, a woman should be a good cook, otherwise she is not a hostess. And when a man knows how to fry eggs and barbecue, it's just a great bonus.

35. Who Needs to Worry More?

Guys worry that the girl will be very ugly when she takes off her makeup. And one of their main concerns is this. Although, as practice shows, girls without makeup are even more beautiful and fresh. At the same time, girls have a lot to worry about.

35. Who Needs to Worry More.jpg?format=webp@lionel-messis/tumblr.com

There are many cases when, due to a simple refusal to continue dating at an apartment, men lose their minds and either raise their hands to the object of their affection or even kill them. So, in this case, it is not men who should be afraid.

36. The Toxic Father

What can we say about men, when fathers can be toxic too? Some people should have accepted long ago that menstruation is a normal natural process and not a reason to mock it and make bad jokes. But not everyone understands this.

36. The Toxic Father.jpg?format=webp@lilbbys/tumblr.com

It's sad to realize that parents can make fun of it too. After all, they are the ones who should support their daughters and help them in every way possible, not make humiliating jokes. Such things leave an unpleasant residue and a trace in the soul for life.

37. Women Drivers in the Modern World Are No Surprise

In the old days, when women were just fighting for their right to drive a car, cruel jokes, and ridicule were the norm. But times have changed. Nowadays, women drivers are a common phenomenon and, it would seem, should not surprise anyone. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

37. Women Drivers in the Modern World Are No Surprise.jpg?format=webp@fictitiousponies/tumblr.com

And although no one forbids them to drive, women are still laughed at and jokes are made about them. They say they are very bad drivers. Nevertheless, it is often men who get into accidents when women drive carefully, due to their heightened instinct for self-preservation.

38. A Way to Stop a Man

Sometimes, suitors can be surprisingly intrusive. They don't even stop when a woman says she's married. However, resourceful ladies have invented a way that other women can take note of if they need to. They claim that they used to be men.

38. A Way to Stop a Man.jpg?format=webp@its-all-down-hill/tumblr.com

And this certainly scares away the bullies. Unfortunately, some people are still unable to adequately perceive rejection due to their lack of education and a lot of complexes. And such things are very sad. Perhaps there should be a special course at school that teaches such skills.

39. Simple Rules Must Apply

Girls should not sit in uncomfortable positions so that boys do not look up their skirts. Girls should not be shamed in such cases, because the responsibility lies with the one who allows himself to look up her skirt, making her feel uncomfortable.

39. Simple Rules Must Apply.jpg?format=webp@isawthismeme/tumblr.com

In this world, it is customary to blame the victims, when they are definitely not to blame. For some reason, girls have to make excuses for the shameful actions of others, when it would be easier to make the perpetrators accountable for their unworthy behavior.

40. If People Had Stop Buttons

Women can also feel unwell for a variety of reasons, not necessarily pregnancy. But there are those who always want to comment on it. They do not take into account the fact that a woman may be uncomfortable to hear this. In particular, because she wants to get pregnant but cannot.

40. If People Had Stop Buttons.jpg?format=webp@emilys-sevenfold-wonderland-blog/tumblr.com

Or she just doesn't feel like discussing her personal well-being right now. But not everyone can stop making assumptions. In such cases, I wish there was a "stop" button in public that would at least sometimes allow you to mute the sound.

41. Trends - Women's Pain

Fashion is a fickle thing, but not everyone accepts it right away and continues to follow trends no matter what. Women, of course, are the most affected. If nowadays it is considered beautiful to have short haircuts, then many people will cut their hair to be in trend.

41. Trends - Women's Pain .jpg?format=webp@influencedbylife-blog/tumblr.com

But the trend may change next year. But society demands to be fashionable, so women have no choice. We believe that being yourself is the most fashionable decision of all time. And it will be the best choice among all possible fashion trends.

42. No Reimbursement is Provided

For some reason, it has been decided that the cost of condoms should be reimbursed but not tampons. Why is this injustice? Women use tampons regularly, but there are many alternatives to condoms. However, the government decided that these were exclusively women's problems.

42. No Reimbursement is Provided.jpg?format=webp@4theluvofcookie/tumblr.com

Women face this injustice very often. Of course, these are all trifles. But it's the little things that make up life, and the beginning of justice. Suddenly, this information will attract the attention of the right people, and the cost of tampons will also be compensated.

43. Men who Allow Themselves Too Much

The shamelessness of some men is amazing and even shocking. For some unknown reason, they believe that they have the right to ask women inappropriate questions or make inappropriate comments, expecting to be received with joy or laughter. Their cavalier attitude is not only manifested in words but often in actions that cross the boundaries of decency.

43. Men who Allow Themselves Too Much.jpg?format=webp@volbeast/tumblr.com

What is even more unfortunate is that women sometimes have to ask their boyfriends or husbands to protect them from impudent suitors. This creates a sense of insecurity and frustration because supporting your partner should be a natural reaction, not a forced request.

44. Female Intelligence vs Male Intelligence

Many women are smarter and more educated than many men, and this is an undeniable fact that should be recognized and accepted. However, for some reason, some people continue to ignore or downplay the achievements of women even when they demonstrate high IQs and outstanding intellectual abilities.

44. Female Intelligence vs Male Intelligence.jpg?format=webp@thetechnologyprincess-blog/tumblr.com

For many centuries, society has imposed the idea that men are inherently more intelligent and capable of achieving success in science, art, and other fields, while women have been limited to the roles of housewives and mothers. This stereotype is so deeply ingrained that even today when women are making significant progress in all fields, their achievements are often underestimated.

45. Buying Pads is Okay

There are stereotypes in our society that continue to influence everyday life and, unfortunately, many of them surround the topic of menstruation. One of these stereotypes is the idea that it is humiliating for a woman to buy pads or other sanitary products. This idea is not only outdated but also unjustified.

45. Buying Pads is Okay.jpg?format=webp@big-bad-bassgirl/tumblr.com

Menstruation is a natural process that most women experience for a significant part of their lives. Even if men buy these hygiene products for women, it's also normal. When a guy takes the initiative to buy pads or tampons, it's a sign of maturity, care, and support.

46. Should a Girl Work in a Profession, but a Boy Shouldn't?

In many families, there are hidden or explicit double standards regarding the career paths of sons and daughters. One such situation concerns cases where parents insist that their daughter should work in her profession. They say that it is not good to stay in simple professions when you have a university degree.

46. Should a Girl Work in a Profession, but a Boy Shouldn't.jpg?format=webp@andromeda-j/tumblr.com

While they are more lenient with their son, allowing him to take less prestigious jobs, or even work in unskilled positions. This situation emphasizes the existence of gender stereotypes, which seems very unfair. And for the girl, this situation is also painful, as the pressure comes from her parents.

47. Being a Friend Has No Other Meaning

The idea of a true friendship between a man and a woman often faces many prejudices. One of them is the belief of some men that friendship with a woman must necessarily include sexual aspects. When a girl clearly defines the boundaries and offers a normal friendship without sex, it causes dissatisfaction among such men.

47. Being a Friend Has No Other Meaning.jpg?format=webp@its-all-down-hill/tumblr.com

For many men, this may seem unnatural or even disappointing. They may perceive friendship as a temporary stop on the way to a more intimate relationship. And when a woman sets clear boundaries, it causes them to feel disappointed because their expectations are not met. This approach is not only unfair but also toxic. It reduces a woman to an object of desire, devaluing her as a person and a friend.

48. Being a Woman is Not Easy

For women, self-care is often a much more complex and time-consuming process than one might imagine. For example, to look well-groomed and beautiful, many women spend hours on themselves at home and in beauty salons. This includes routine procedures such as skin care, makeup application, hair, and nail care.

48. Being a Woman is Not Easy.jpg?format=webp@mayraxolopez/tumblr.com

It can take as long as half a day to get your hair in order, especially if you're talking about complex styling or procedures like coloring or straightening. Even basic hair care can involve washing, conditioning, drying, styling, and using a variety of products to keep your hair healthy and shiny.

49. Girls Can Also Be Experts in Computer Games

The modern world of gaming has long ceased to be exclusively male territory. More and more girls are proving themselves to be real experts in computer games, demonstrating skills and knowledge that are as good as, and sometimes better than, those of many men. However, some men still cannot accept this reality and continue to insist on their stereotypical vision.

49. Girls Can Also Be Experts in Computer Games.jpg?format=webp@whitetigerdemoness/tumblr.com

Gender stereotypes in video games have deep roots. Since childhood, many people have believed that video games are a "man's activity" and that girls are better off doing something else. This misconception persists even today when statistics show an increase in the number of female gamers. Studies show that about 45% of video game players are women, and this number is constantly growing.

50. The Problem of Choice

Women are very emotional. They often have mood swings and desires. And these are quite natural things that men just need to accept, just as women learn to put up with the shortcomings of their loved ones. For example, women love to buy beautiful lingerie, but they don't like wearing bras at all.

50. The Problem of Choice.jpg?format=webp@thetipsywytch/tumblr.com

Society often imposes the idea that a woman should wear a bra to maintain her body shape or aesthetic appearance. However, it is worth remembering that every woman should have the freedom to choose. If she feels more comfortable without a bra, that should be acceptable. Societal pressure to conform to certain standards of beauty or dress can be a source of stress and dissatisfaction.
