Teachers shared the memorable parent-teacher conferences they'll remember for years to come

22 Feb 2023

The work of a teacher has numerous facets. Parent-teacher conferences serve the purpose of keeping parents informed of what is going on. Every teacher appears to have a fairly noteworthy story to offer as well. Even after they've retired, teachers who attended some of these seminars claim they'll never forget them.

1. Lies that lasted for months

Of course, such stories when children lie to their parents happen very often! Kids may occasionally fabricate lies about their school experience to their parents for a variety of reasons! If kids admit to making a mistake or having problems at school, they can be terrified of their parents' displeasure or wrath. They might therefore come up with imaginative tales to avoid being reprimanded. Additionally, youngsters may lie to their parents to avoid feeling embarrassed or facing taunts about an incident at school, such as receiving a poor grade or problems with the teacher.

Lies that lasted for months.jpg?format=webp@ Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

2. Hate out of concern

It happens that you want to do the best for people, and in the end, instead of gratitude, they start blaming you. In this case, this is exactly what happened! And by the way, this can happen to anyone in real life. It might be upsetting and discouraging to have someone whom you have been caring for act unappreciatively. It's critical to recognize your own disappointment, annoyance, and hurt caused by ingratitude. Give yourself some space to absorb these emotions and acknowledge that it's normal to feel this way.

Hate out of concern.jpg?format=webp@Samuel24601/Reddit.com

3. Sometimes students do terrible things!

At school, many of us did terrible things that we can be ashamed of all our lives! We hope that the eighth grader who stole the phone from the teacher will also understand his mistake. I wonder what pushes children to such strange acts. In this story, the eighth-grader might not have a firm grasp on morality or the ethical repercussions of stealing. He might not have formed a strong moral compass, and he might not have understood the seriousness of what they did.

Sometimes students do terrible things.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

4. Poor child!

Hearing a parent disparage their child can be emotionally taxing, but it's crucial for the teacher to maintain composure. It is unacceptable for a parent to belittle their child or speak ill of them. Such behavior is unacceptable and does not help to resolve the situation, the teacher should assertively and calmly say. Both the parent and the kid can receive assistance from the teacher. After all, do not forget that many teachers are also good psychologists! We hope that there will be as few such situations as possible because parents are the first people who should always support their children.

Poor child.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

5. Overcontrol

Excessive control has never done anyone any good! There are several things that can contribute to having too much control over kids. For example, to preserve a sense of authority and order in the classroom, teachers who are insecure or lack confidence in their abilities may feel the need to over control their students. Adults who grew up in authoritarian environments may adopt a similar parenting approach, which may manifest as a desire to exert control over their students. In an effort to guarantee that their pupils perform well, people may become unduly controlling.

Over control.jpg?format=webp@OfficialBJ/Reddit.com

6. Sometimes parents can shock!

Well, such strange situations happen! Sometimes parents of students can be dissatisfied with almost maximum marks! The expectations for assessments, assignments, and other criteria for assigning grades should be clearly outlined in the grading policy and communicated to parents and students at the start of the academic year or semester. In any case, speaking with the parents, the teacher needs to keep a respectful and professional demeanor. It's critical to refrain from acting aggressively and instead stay calm.

Sometimes parents can shock.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

7. Awful!

We don’t even know how we would act in the place of teachers in a similar situation! Sometimes they need a lot of patience! For teachers, it's better to communicate calmly with parents who are a little bit strange doing so with professionalism, empathy, and understanding.  Work with parents to discover solutions rather than concentrating only on the difficulties. And as for the outrage of parents about why their child was not taught to use the toilet - you can pretend that you didn't hear it! Ha-ha!

Awful.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

8. Nightmare!

Sometimes parents of students behave so badly that even their children show more wisdom and good manners. That is what happened in this situation. But even in such situations, a teacher must keep a professional manner. It's better to answer politely and quietly without raising their voice or displaying a hostile demeanor. To solve a similar issue, the teacher and the parent can collaborate and try to find a mutual language. And what do you think about this situation?


9. And why do it?

Of course, it is not clear why parents can ask the teacher to give the child more difficult tasks. Perhaps parents overestimate the talents of their child or require more from him than he can do. In any case, it is better to entrust the education of the child to professionals who are definitely able to assess the level of knowledge of the student and give him tasks within his power. But be that as it may, there will always be self-confident parents who will ignore any arguments of teachers.

And why do it.jpg?format=webp@Tiramisu05/Reddit.com

10. Ridiculous story!

It might be difficult to handle a situation where a student's parents accuse a teacher of something the instructor did not do. If you are a teacher, pay close attention to the reproaches of the parents without interjecting. Give them space to completely explain themselves, and refrain from forming assumptions or drawing hasty conclusions. When dealing with parent-related charges or disagreements, adhere to the school's policies. This could entail involving the administration of the school, adhering to established procedures for managing parent concerns, or asking school counselors or other pertinent staff for advice.

Ridiculous story.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

11. When parents don't care about their children

Unfortunately, there are times when parents disregard their children's future. However, if uncaring parents learn that their child is struggling in school from a teacher, they might start insulting the kid, which is dreadful! Even if a teacher finds that a student's parents don't seem to be worried about their child's academic performance, there are still steps that can be taken to support that pupil. As a teacher, you can develop a positive rapport with the pupil and offer encouragement.

When parents don't care about their children.jpg?format=webp@casualwalkabout/Reddit.com

12. Just a terrible situation!

Of course, neither a teacher nor a representative of other professions can ignore aggression in their direction. It is a serious incident that needs to be reported right away to the appropriate school administrators and, if necessary, law enforcement if a student's grandfather offends you as a teacher. If you were physically hurt, get medical attention right once. Your overall health and safety should come first. We sincerely hope that everyone who permits themselves to abuse others will receive the appropriate punishment.

Just a terrible situation.jpg?format=webp@BIZ1432002/Reddit.com

13. Sometimes it's easier to negotiate with a student

Sometimes parents of students have so many oddities that it is easier to communicate directly with the student, as the teacher did in this story. And right! After all, why waste your time and nerves on people who already initially show that it is very difficult to communicate with them? So you can take a cue from this teacher and ignore people you don't get along with. However, if you still have to communicate with strange personalities, for example, at work, then just don’t take them seriously.

Sometimes it's easier to negotiate with a student.jpg?format=webp@uncomfortablejoe/Reddit.com

14. It’s so sad!

The work of a teacher is very interesting and at the same time difficult. It can take a lot of time and effort to be an effective teacher outside of the traditional school day. Grading papers, creating lesson plans, scheduling parent conferences, and other administrative duties can add up to a lot of work, which can cause stress and fatigue. Often the desire to remain in the profession of teachers is beaten off by the parents of students. And it's terrible! Also, the work-life balance and general well-being of teachers may be impacted by the long hours and time constraints.

It’s so sad.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

15. A moment of humor from the father

Sometimes parents of students think that they are super comedians, so they do not miss the opportunity to play a trick on the teacher.

However, it should be remembered that the teacher can hold a grudge and then recoup your child. A teacher needs to respond politely if a parent of a student is making jokes with them. Also, a teacher can join in on the laughter and make a lighthearted remark if the joke is acceptable and harmless. But still, it is better for parents of students not to forget about the norms of behavior.

A moment of humor from the father.jpg?format=webp@imanonymous1981/Reddit.com

16. What a witty teacher!

What to do if the student's parents point-blank do not hear the teacher's arguments? Do what this teacher did and make a smart joke! Sometimes sarcasm can take the dialogue to a whole new level when your opponent doesn't have the words to respond! Oh, what a pleasure it is to watch the people with whom you had an argument simply remain silent and look at you in surprise. Sometimes a smile and humor are the best reactions to inadequate people! And what do you think about this?

What a witty teacher.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

17. And how to communicate with such parents?

Of course, there are many such stories! And sometimes it is difficult to communicate not only for teachers but also for representatives of other professions. However, we all live in society and, after all, we have to learn how to communicate even with the most difficult people! It's crucial to respect other people's opinion decisions since you never know whether they will be receptive to your point of view. Even if they don't entirely share your viewpoint, individuals are more likely to listen to you and understand you if you use good communication methods and have a courteous approach.

And how to communicate with such parents.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

18. Terrible!

Well, with such students and their parents, you cannot even watch horror films! The whole nightmare takes place in real life. Unfortunately, in recent times, cases, when inadequate people threaten with weapons, are becoming more frequent. It's critical to act right away to protect yourself if someone threatens you with a weapon. It's crucial to make an effort to maintain composure, communicate coherently, and refrain from making any abrupt moves that can worsen the situation. Call the police or emergency services as soon as you can.


19. Sorry for this child

We sincerely feel sorry for the children in such cases. It can be difficult for a teacher if they find out a student's parent uses drugs. The students and their family's privacy should be respected. Only divulge any pertinent information about the father's addiction to school officials who require it. Reach out to the student to offer support and ask for assistance from the appropriate school staff if you notice any changes in the student's behavior, such as a drop in grades or indications of emotional distress.

Sorry for this child.jpg?format=webp@casualwalkabout/Reddit.com

20. Strange guy…

We don't know what's wrong with this guy, but we can guess! Perhaps he lacks communication, so he decided to find him at the parent meeting. Well, not the best idea! But if you, too, have to communicate with obsessive people from time to time, then it is better to know how to react to them. With obsessive persons, it's critical to establish and explain clear boundaries. Be clear about the activities or behaviors that you will not tolerate, and be forceful about upholding those limits. Use "I" pronouns to convey your needs and feelings, such as "I need my personal space" or "This behavior does not sit well with me".

Strange guy.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

21. Mom who thinks she's an expert

Unfortunately, situations when parents consider themselves more competent than teachers happen very often. Then the question arises - if they consider themselves experts in learning, then why send the child to school at all? After all, you can teach it at home and leave the teachers alone. But of course, no one will do that. Moreover, some people just need to show their expertise to everyone around them - teachers, police, supermarket cashiers, and so on! And you should definitely stay away from such people if you want to save your nerves.

Mom who thinks she's an expert.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

22. It's impossible to please everyone!

Although it can be challenging when someone doesn't like you (especially the parents of your students), it's important to keep in mind that you have no control over what other people feel or think. Even if someone doesn't like you, you should still treat them with respect. As you would like to be treated, treat them likewise. Do not allow one person's disapproval of you to determine your worth. Instead, put your energy towards fostering connections with individuals who value and support you. Try to have an open discussion with the person if you can learn their reasons for not liking you.

It's impossible to please everyone.jpg?format=webp@bloo_cheeze15/Reddit.com

23. Smart teacher

Indeed, if a teacher has an aggressive child in the class that even geo parents cannot influence, then the best solution is to ask them to find a new educational institution. By the way, the parents of this child ignore his aggression in vain, because in the future such a child can make many mistakes. It's critical that parents and other adults collaborate with kids to comprehend and constructively handle their hostility. This can involve modeling good behavior, teaching them proper emotional expression techniques, and, if required, seeking professional assistance.

Smart teacher.jpg?format=webp@Ashamed-Union4576/Reddit.com

24. We again admire the patience of teachers!

It's critical for teachers to respond in a professional and open way when parents of students seek a high grade. However, sometimes it can be so difficult! But there are fun ways to help you keep your composure! Think of obnoxious parents as oddball cartoon creatures! Imagine the evil individual as a cartoon figure with odd looks or actions. It can ease the tension by allowing you to perceive them from a funnier perspective. Also, you may, for instance, respond to their cynical statement with a humorous retort or a funny remark. Humor may ease tension and uplift the spirit.

We again admire the patience of teachers.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

25. Parents with high self-esteem are another test!

Parents who consider themselves and their children almost a deity is a big problem! Learning to communicate with them is a real art! Even if you are not a teacher, you probably also have to communicate with arrogant people. However, there are options to make this communication more fun! You can shower such people with praise, but do it with humor or even sarcasm! However, if you absolutely do not want to intersect with such people, then you can warn them that if they violate your boundaries again, there will be consequences.

Parents with high self-esteem are another test.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

26. How to respond to such accusations?

The situation when the parents of the student accuse the teacher of what he did not do is simply terrible! We can only imagine how unpleasant it was for the teacher at that moment. In such situations, the teacher may ask the parents of the students to prove their accusations. This can be a recording of a conversation on a voice recorder, video from surveillance cameras, a screen of correspondence, and so on. But if the parents do not have evidence of the teacher's inappropriate behavior, then they should consider several times whether it is worth spoiling the teacher's nerves.

How to respond to such accusations.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

27. Unfortunately, this happens…

Stories about children from dysfunctional families are just terrible... It becomes so pitiful for such children! When kids observe parents who use alcohol or illegal drugs from childhood, their mental health can be disturbed from childhood. If the teacher noticed this, then he should contact the police or other special services. The main thing in such stories is not to be indifferent to the grief of others! After all, by being responsive, you can save the life of another person!

Unfortunately, this happens.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

28. What you say - then your children say

Well, we think at this meeting the teacher made many conclusions about the student's mother and now she will not be surprised if the child says not quite correct things. Be mindful of the language you use around children and make an effort to only ever use acceptable words. Make an effort to refrain from swearing if you have a predisposition to do so. Rather than using curse words, try using alternatives like "darn," "shoot," or "heck." Although they may not have the same impact as swear words, these words can still be used to convey your anger or frustration without using crude language.

What you say - then your children say.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

29. Going to students' parents' homes is not always a good idea

When teachers visit the homes of students' parents, there are a number of possible risks. When a teacher visits a student's house, they run the risk of being physically hurt, especially if the parents are irate or hostile. The teacher can be stepping into a strange setting with limited control over the circumstances. Also, when a teacher goes to a student's home, the lines between their personal and professional lives might become blurred, which could lead to awkward or improper situations. So it's definitely better to meet the parents of the students on school grounds.

Going to students' parents' homes is not always a good idea.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

30. The apple drops from the apple tree very close by!

This story once again proves that parents are the most important example for children! And this example can be both good and bad. The social learning theory states that children learn by observing and imitating their parents. Children frequently watch their parents and the other adults in their immediate environment, and they may base their own conduct on what they observe. For instance, if a parent repeatedly demonstrates kindness and generosity to others, their child may pick up on that behavior. And if parents are ready to go even to crime, then this, unfortunately, will be reflected in children.

The apple drops from the apple tree very close by.jpg?format=webp@Warg60/Reddit.com

31. Unpleasant conversation

Of course, even the youngest teachers are not immune to unpleasant conversations with students' parents. However, any unpleasant conversation is a new experience that will help in the future. If a person wants to become a good teacher, then he must understand that not only pleasant moments await him. It takes time, effort, and dedication to become a successful teacher. Make your classroom a secure and warm one where all children feel appreciated and respected. Encourage pupils to participate actively and work together. Build a strong rapport with your students through trust and empathy. 

Unpleasant conversation.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

32. Another nasty father

It's better to blame the teacher! Apparently, this is how the father decided in this story. Indeed, why buy a child books and worry about his education, if you can just yell at the teacher and demand back the money for education? In fact, these situations are just terrible! And it's good when a teacher has many other students who can witness the teacher's professionalism. In any profession, it is important to defend your boundaries and be able to adequately communicate even with the nastiest people.

Another nasty father.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com

33. Is it worthwhile to criticize other people's kids?

For some reason, parents often forget that they need to monitor their children and not other people's children. Have you ever seen parents who ugly expressed aside other people's kids in front of you? To put it mildly, it can be awkward! I'm not sure why parents behave in this way. They could be trying to be hilarious or they could just be overly inclined to comment on everything they observe. But one thing is certain—it invariably results in an embarrassing circumstance.

Is it worthwhile to criticize other people's kids.jpg?format=webp@evferch/Reddit.com

34. Surprises can be expected anywhere!

In most societies, breastfeeding an adult child is uncommon and may seem strange to many. However, it's crucial to treat this circumstance with respect for the woman and her decisions. Remembering that breastfeeding is a personal decision and a natural process that has been used for ages is very important. While some mothers may opt to breastfeed their children for longer lengths of time, others may decide not to. It's crucial to refrain from criticizing or humiliating the lady for her choice.

Surprises can be expected anywhere.jpg?format=webp@totalown/Reddit.com

35. Public criticism is terrible

A child's emotional health and self-esteem may suffer if they are publicly criticized. Children are particularly sensitive to criticism, and unfavorable remarks spoken in front of others can be extremely detrimental to their self-esteem. The youngster may experience feelings of shame and humiliation as a result of public criticism. It can harm the bond of trust between parents and children and weaken that trust. Additionally, it's critical to offer the child encouragement and constructive criticism rather than just condemnation. This can help the youngster grow in confidence and self-esteem while also allowing them to learn from their mistakes and behave better.

Public criticism is terrible.jpg?format=webp@thecatisfat100/Reddit.com

36. Oops!

It's crucial to react delicately if you're a teacher and you've forgotten the name and gender of a student. First, you can quietly approach the pupil and ask them to remind you of their name while apologizing for forgetting it. Additionally, you might inquire about how they would like to be addressed in terms of gender. Using gender-neutral pronouns like "they" or "their" is advisable until you can confirm the student's preferred pronouns. Also, the use of improper pronouns or making assumptions about a student's gender identification should be avoided as they can be offensive.


37. Ungrateful parents

It's crucial to pay attention to the parents' worries and comprehend their viewpoint if you're a teacher who is making an effort to accomplish great work but the parents of the students are upset with you. Try to be receptive and consider things from their perspective. You'll be better able to answer their problems as a result. Make sure you are aware of the parent’s expectations and that you are clear about your own expectations. You may prevent misunderstandings and make sure that everyone is on the same page by doing this.

Ungrateful parents.jpg?format=webp@sweetpotato06/Reddit.com

38. Hard talk

Unfortunately, no one is immune from communicating with unpleasant people. Speaking with disagreeable individuals might be difficult, but if you approach the situation with humor, it can also be a fun adventure. A warm smile can go a long way toward calming down a difficult person. Try smiling at them if they're being grumpy to see if it breaks their glum demeanor. Speaking quietly and clearly can help pacify unpleasant people who occasionally become upset or nervous. Instead of becoming defensive or confrontational, strive to maintain your composure.

Hard talk.jpg?format=webp@oced2001/Reddit.com

39. The rich have their quirks!

With their expensive lifestyles and peculiar expectations, parents of rich students might behave in strange ways. They can insist on parking in the space nearest to the school entrance and always drive the newest, most luxurious vehicles. Also, they can be rather demanding, requesting everything from daily progress updates to specially tailored lesson plans for their child. Therefore, if you have to communicate with such people, then try to maintain composure, because often nasty people just want to spoil the mood around them.

The rich have their quirks.jpg?format=webp@Phallic/Reddit.com

40. It’s so rude!

It is crucial to respond quickly to protect the student's safety and well-being if a teacher observes a student's parent physically abusing their child. If you can, intervene and separate the parent from the child to stop any additional injury. Keep a record of the incident, any student injuries, and any on-site witnesses. Inform the school administration about the occurrence so that they can follow up with the proper authorities, such as Child Protective Services. In such situations, it is important not to remain indifferent.

It’s so rude.jpg?format=webp@angryhippie/Reddit.com

41. Sadly

It can be a difficult and challenging position for a teacher to work in a dysfunctional school where they frequently run into inebriated parents of pupils. Remain composed and professional while dealing with the parents' concerns in a stern yet courteous manner. Keep track of any incidents or issues with the parents' conduct, such as disruptions to the learning environment or safety concerns. Any events should be reported to the school administration so that they can follow up with the proper parties and implement the required disciplinary measures.


42. Students know how to surprise!

We don’t know what specific terrible acts of the student were in this story, but we are sure that students have enough imagination for strange actions! As they learn about their surroundings and find their place in them, students may occasionally display odd or unexpected actions. Here are a few unusual things students can do. Firstly, talking to oneself is a common approach for students to process their thoughts or work through a challenge. Also let's not forget that some students could have eccentric hobbies or interests, such as collecting insects or building intricate figures.

Students know how to surprise.jpg?format=webp@BlackOptx/Reddit.com

43. “My child is the best!”

And again about parents who do not admit the mistakes of their children! When parents disagree when a teacher is worried that a student is acting inappropriately in class but the parents don't agree, the teacher may need to take some action. The teacher must keep a thorough record of the student's behavior that includes the occasion, the date, and the time of the incident. In the event that the parents are unaware of their child's behavior, this will assist the teacher in providing proof to the parents.

My child is the best.jpg?format=webp@SpaghettiMonkeyTree/Reddit.com

44. Sometimes parents refuse to trust teachers

Although it can be challenging for a teacher to inform parents that their child is acting inappropriately, it is crucial to do so in a polite way.  The teacher should begin the discussion by praising the student's accomplishments and positive traits while also emphasizing their conviction that the student can behave better. The teacher should speak in an impartial manner without passing judgment or making accusations. The teacher may add, "I noticed that your daughter is not always able to balance study and personal life", in place of saying, "Your daughter skips classes because of her boyfriend".

Sometimes parents refuse to trust teachers.jpg?format=webp@amahler03/Reddit.com

45. Parental cruelty is terrible!

Stories like this are just awful! How we feel sorry for the children who are quenched by their parents! It is crucial to act to protect the child's safety if a parent hits a kid in front of you. Call the police or emergency services if the youngster is in urgent danger. Remove the youngster from the nearby area and take them to a safe place if the situation has calmed down. Inform the proper authorities, such as Child Protective Services (CPS), the police, or a school counselor, about the occurrence. Give as much information as you can about the incident, including the occasion's date, time, setting, and type of abuse.

Parental cruelty is terrible.jpg?format=webp@rondell_jones/Reddit.com

46. We again feel sorry for the teacher

Oh my God! We feel sorry for the teacher again! Why are there so many ill-mannered parents around? It can be difficult and unpleasant for teachers when a student's parents yell at them. The teacher should establish boundaries and make it obvious that such behavior is unacceptable if the parents are verbally abusing their children or using threatening language. Saying something along the lines of "I am happy to discuss your concerns with you, but I cannot continue this conversation if you use abusive language" is a good suggestion.

We again feel sorry for the teacher.jpg?format=webp@Spartan2842/Reddit.com

47. If you were a teacher, what would you do?

Such stories are, to put it plainly, not enjoyable to read! Why do parents allow themselves to curse and rage at teachers? After all, most teachers only want the best for their students. Of course, sometimes there are non-professionals who do not know how to behave with children - these need to be identified as early as possible and fired. But if the teacher is adequate and kind to the children, but did not have time to hang a portrait of this or that president in the office, then it is strange to make a scandal because of this.

If you were a teacher, what would you do.jpg?format=webp@ArtemisOnFire/Reddit.com

48. Sometimes it's better to remain silent

Of course, there are stories when teachers have to deal with specific parents. So what would you do in the place of the teacher from this story? Imagine that the parent of a disobedient student just got out of prison. Would you dare to tell him that his child is not studying well or is behaving inappropriately? On the one hand, such a father can apply cruelty to his child. And on the other hand, the teacher himself can run into aggression on the part of the parent of the student!

Sometimes it's better to remain silent.jpg?format=webp@UltimateUnderdog_/Reddit.com

49. Strange picture…

Yes, watching an adult man who does not know how to maintain his composure is still that “pleasure”! When dealing with aggressive people, first of all, you should worry about your safety. It can be challenging and potentially dangerous to interact with an adult guy who lacks self-control. If you can, put some distance between you and the other person to stop them from approaching too closely or acting violently. If you have to deal with an aggressive person at work, ask your colleague or supervisor for help. Moreover, make an emergency service call if necessary.

Strange picture.jpg?format=webp@effietea/Reddit.com

50. OMG!

Well, after such stories, I want to bow to the teachers for their patience and calmness even in the strangest situations. In such a story, any other person could make a scandal or start a tantrum, but this teacher restrained himself, for which respect to him! By the way, being conscious of your emotions is the first step in developing emotional intelligence. In stressful circumstances, pay close attention to your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. Recognize when you begin to experience stress or agitation. Also, when you're under stress, deep breathing can help you relax both your body and mind.

OMG.jpg?format=webp@Teachers, What Was Your Worst Parent Teacher Conference?/Updoot Studios/YouTube.com
