Stories that will prove to you that grandparents can still be pranksters

13 Mar 2023

There are many funny stories about grandparents, but we can't fit them all in one article. However, we've rounded up a few that will serve as a good reminder that grandparents only get wiser with age. We are sure that you will like them too.

She’s so cool!

Wow! How much positivity and cheerfulness in this grandmother! Many young people envy her. While some old people are sitting at home and complaining about life, this granny finds the strength and desire to take the most out of life! She relaxes and enjoys every moment! Isn't it wonderful? I want as many older people as possible not to be afraid to go out of their comfort zone and attend various concerts, parties, and so on. Grandma, keep the fire!

She’s so cool!.jpg?format=webp@Montrealgirl/

Life of the party!

As you can see, grandpas also know how to have fun like children! We are not sure that this girl liked being the face on the cake, but she will definitely remember this birthday for the rest of her life! The only task - then it is difficult to wash the hair from the cream, but what can not be done for the sake of fun! We sincerely wish that as many older people as possible always remain positive optimists! After all, then life will be much brighter!

Life of the party!.jpg?format=webp@Oceanic_815_Survivor/

Cool grandma!

We can only envy this girl because her grandma is super cool! She is not afraid of childishness and remains a young soul! We're sure this trendy grandma is receptive to fresh looks, fashion, and activities. Just look how boldly she decided on the adventure of her granddaughter! Wouldn't be surprised if they were best friends all their lives! I wonder what else this modern grandmother can decide on. Perhaps even skydiving or attending a rock concert? Everything can be!

Cool grandma!.jpg?format=webp@Old People Being Clumsy For 8 Minutes Straight 😂/FailArmy/

She has a sense of humor!

Would you dare to play this funny game? The rules are simple - you need to insert an expander into your mouth and read the words from the card, and the rest must guess which word you read. As you can see, it all looks very funny and funny! The mood of the whole company will definitely be on top! Well, this grandma is really cool! It's about being authentic, keeping up with the times, and remaining true to herself while retaining a solid, loving relationship with her family.

She has a sense of humor!.jpg?format=webp@Old People Being Clumsy For 8 Minutes Straight 😂/FailArmy/

His wife is shocked!

This grandfather looks funny, but it's even more fun to watch his wife, who can be seen in the window. She was shocked by what she saw! But for some reason, we suspect she is used to such "concerts" by her husband. It's cool when people, even in adulthood, continue to have fun and joke. And it's even cooler when grandparents are unafraid to look funny and cheer up others! Don't be afraid to be yourself and keep your inner child. Because it's so wonderful!

His wife is shocked!.jpg?format=webp@Grandparents Who Are 100% Having More Fun Than You | Funny Fails Videos/Peachy/

Activity is good for all ages

No matter how old you are, it is important to continue to be active even in old age. Feel free to follow the example of a beautiful couple in the photo - they are not afraid of active entertainment and that's cool! By the way, strength training, dancing, and other exercises definitely prolong youth and well-being! And laughter never hurt anyone! Moreover, when a couple has lived together for decades and they want to have fun together in old age, this is super cool! We can only be inspired by the people in this funny photo!

Activity is good for all ages.jpg?format=webp@Grandparents Who Are 100% Having More Fun Than You | Funny Fails Videos/Peachy/

This grandpa knows how to have fun!

Who said old people don't want to have fun? All this is not true and you want to have fun at any age! This bull is definitely created not only for children but also for grandparents. Why deny yourself pleasure? As with people of any age, older people's tastes in entertainment might vary greatly. For those who can, exploring new areas, even close to home, maybe fun and exciting. Volunteering or performing community service for causes they care about can give people a sense of fulfillment.

This grandpa knows how to have fun!.jpg?format=webp@Grandparents Who Are 100% Having More Fun Than You | Funny Fails Videos/Peachy/

Here is a surprise!

It is difficult to say why this couple climbed into the washing machine. Perhaps they took part in the competition for the most original photo? Everything can be! Or perhaps there is another explanation for this. Maybe they'd heard tales about washing machines being hidden entrances to a realm of infinity and youth. They craved a change since they were sick of the typical knitting groups and bingo games. So, armed with a dash of crazy imagination and a healthy dose of curiosity, they came up with a strategy.

Here is a surprise!.jpg?format=webp@Livinginmtl/

It's better to eat a cookie quickly

We know that sometimes it is very difficult for children to get something to eat. And grandmothers especially love to feed their grandchildren. And apparently, the grandchildren of this grandmother eat food to the last crumb. And if you put aside the jokes, then I wonder why this sweet grandmother needs a weapon. Well, let's think. Perhaps she is going hunting, in which case she plans to scare off thieves! In any case, it’s definitely better not to joke with this grandmother!

It's better to eat a cookie quickly.jpg?format=webp@Ginner88/

Super portrait!

Well, not only children like to make faces in the photo and it's cool! After all, deep down everyone loves to joke and indulge! Also, making a funny face can be a way for someone to express their own personality. It makes them pop out in the picture and gives it a personal touch. Making a comical or exaggerated face can help break the ice and foster a more laid-back attitude, especially in group shots or with strangers. So it’s always a good idea to make faces and cheer up others!

Super portrait!.jpg?format=webp@DefinitelyNotADeer/

One pair of pants for two!

We don't even know why this couple ended up wearing the same pants! Perhaps they wanted to showcase their creativity and take a funny photo as a keepsake. Maintaining a sense of humor as you age can greatly improve your overall health and quality of life. We are sure that the children of this couple are absolutely delighted with their parents! It's so cool when people always stay young at heart! Spend time with loved ones who share your sense of humor and good attitude towards life. Laughter often spreads quickly!

One pair of pants for two!.jpg?format=webp@bukasaurus/

Creative t-shirts!

Celebrating your 60th anniversary is cool, but doing it in creative t-shirts is even cooler! This couple definitely has a great sense of humor - you can guess from the images on their T-shirts that even in quarantine they were not bored! This once again proves that optimism conquers all! In any situation, it is important to maintain respect for each other and a sense of humor. Then any troubles will be nothing for you! Do you agree with this?

Creative t-shirts!.jpg?format=webp@PBandJman941/


We are not sure if this funny couple came to a rock and roll concert, but they definitely have fun together! Naturally, concerts are not the only events where older people can have a great time. We can only advise you to follow the example of this couple and lead an active lifestyle! Time spent with friends, family, and neighbors can be an enjoyable source of socializing. Casual conversations, parties, and excursions can be part of it. At any age, you can find hobbies that will suit your taste! The world is beautiful and you should always remember this!


This grandpa is 96, but's a secret!

What a cute and cool grandpa! Just look how much joy and cheerfulness he has in his eyes! We would also like to remain optimistic in old age and this is possible! What can be done about this? It's a cool idea to continue engaging in your favorite activities or discover new interests that fulfill you.

Be gentle to yourself and cultivate self-compassion. To stay in the moment and develop inner calm and contentment, try mindfulness and meditation. Remember that life is beautiful at any age!

This grandpa is 96, but's a secret!.jpg?format=webp@senteryourself/

Princess Leia, is that you?

Wonder what inspired this grandpa to dress up as Princess Leia from Star Wars? Perhaps it was the idea of his grandchildren, or perhaps he himself is a fan of this cult film! By the way, it would be cool to have a Star Wars-themed costume party for old people! We are sure that there are many fans of this film among them too! Just imagine how much they would love it! Delicious food, friends around, cool costumes - if you want, then take note of the idea!

Princess Leia, is that you.jpg?format=webp@moonicourt/

It's incredibly cute!

This act, without a doubt, deserves great respect! We are sure that when this boy grows up, he will be very grateful that fate sent him such a cool grandfather! Building solid bonds with your grandchildren based on love, trust, and understanding is a crucial part of being a valued and adored grandfather. Frequently and openly express your affection. No matter what they accomplish or how they behave, let your grandchildren know how much you love them. Give your grandchildren your whole attention as you hear their ideas, tales, and worries.

It's incredibly cute!.jpg?format=webp@djgraffiti/

This is her first selfie!

It's never too late to learn something new at any age! It's cool that this grandmother has not lost interest in life and that she likes modern trends! If your grandmother also wants to learn how to take a selfie, then this is not at all difficult! Assist her in experimenting with various stances and perspectives to determine which ones make her feel most at ease. Encourage her to try smiling, adopting a serious expression, or even making faces that are amusing. Review your selfies once you've taken a few of them. Show her how to remove the ones she dislikes and save the ones she likes.

This is her first selfie!.jpg?format=webp@dm919 /

Looks brutal! Ha-ha!

Another funny grandpa! I wonder where he was going in this form. For a costume party or a casting for a Hollywood action movie? In any case, we think his creativity will be appreciated everywhere, what do you think? Even if this grandfather just decided to cheer up his family in this way, then this is also cool! Why not dress up and make your loved ones laugh? As they say, humor prolongs life! Laugh to your health and be happy!

Looks brutal! Ha-ha!.jpg?format=webp@James_Tiberius/

Grandma and her brave style

Usually, grandmothers dress modestly and conservatively, but there are some very bold elderly ladies, like the one in the photo. She has decided to enjoy her life with a playful and cheerful spirit. So, she ordered a heroic costume for herself online, which, by the way, suits her very well. Her grandchildren appreciated this fashionable challenge and took a photo as a memento to provide evidence that their grandmother is very courageous and a true heroine.

Grandma and her brave style.jpg?format=webp@popofcolor/

When you are too curious

What are older people usually interested in? With more spare time on their hands, many elderly people may become more interested in hobbies like painting, gardening, knitting, woodworking, etc. By the way, now that they have more leisure and fewer work-related obligations, some retirees want to travel and discover new areas. For example, just look at this grandfather! It is noticeable to the naked eye how passionate he is about modern technologies and gadgets. Even with poor eyesight, this enterprising man found a solution to the problem and learned how to use the tablet perfectly.

When you are too curious.jpg?format=webp@Eric2929/


Most likely, this grandfather was so carried away by the process that he did not notice how curious people around him began to spy on him. As you can see, grandfather has 18+ content on the screen, but he is allowed to watch this because he is definitely an adult! However, perhaps someone should suggest to this grandfather that it is better to watch such content at home, away from prying eyes. Or this grandfather does not care about the opinions of others and he takes the maximum out of life. He wanted to look at naked girls here and now - he took it and did it!


Super athlete!

Well, let's take this opportunity to remind you that it is important for older people to continue to be active and sporty at any age! A balanced diet and regular exercise can help older persons control their weight and lower their chance of developing obesity-related health problems. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that exercise is beneficial for mental health. So the grandfather in the photo sets a great example for all the elderly (and not only the elderly) people! Staying active, going to the gym, eating right is always healthy and cool!

Super athlete!.jpg?format=webp@donutdude/

What is this?

To put it mildly, this photo looks very strange... It's hard to guess why this grandfather is lying on the grass, and also under this swan... What's going on? Perhaps you have some guesses? But what can we say for sure - with a sense of humor, this grandfather is definitely doing well! He is not afraid to look funny and amuse others and this is a huge plus! But if we suddenly met this man somewhere, we would definitely ask why he needed these swans and such a strange photograph.

What is this.jpg?format=webp@brainhole/

Grandma made these before she passed away!

What a sense of humor! Just imagine yourself - before her death, this grandmother, instead of crying and forcing her relatives to feel sorry for her, did the unbelievable! She decided even after leaving for another world to continue to cheer up her family! She came up with such a creative little thing with which she can "communicate" with her relatives from that world. Of course, all this joke and, unfortunately, in fact, it is impossible, but respect for such an idea!

Grandma made these before she passed away!.jpg?format=webp@False-State6969/

Great sense of humor grandma

After the grandmother's passing, the grandson found an intriguing training cube in her room. Its exercises greatly amazed and amused him. Not surprisingly, as they were truly unconventional and quirky, yet despite everything, they probably brought immense joy to the grandmother. I believe she would be happy to know that after her departure; her grandson would have pleasant memories and would smile when he takes the cube into his hands, remembering his grandmother.

Great sense of humor grandma.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/

When Grandpa Discovered social networks

This grandfather, in the twilight of his years, ventured onto social media and developed a fondness for taking selfies. He looks incredibly joyful against the backdrop of flowers, and his grandchildren notice this and are happy for him. This man definitely knows how to appreciate life and understands that even in advanced age, life doesn't come to an end; one must keep moving forward and, most importantly, not be afraid of the new. I believe this grandfather could become a wonderful example for the older generation, who might think they're too old for social media.

When Grandpa Discovered social networks.jpg?format=webp@SexChief/

Great job

When a grandmother possesses "golden hands" and is remarkably skilled at handling intricate details, fascinating miniatures like these come to life. Her granddaughter discovered her grandmother's work and took a photo to showcase the masterpiece on social media. As it turned out, the elderly lady spent around 10 hours recreating furniture and its arrangement in her new room after moving. According to her granddaughter, the grandmother replicated her room down to the last inch.

Great job.jpg?format=webp@er750/

High level

Grandmothers are truly grandmothers, even when their grandchildren grow up. They always care for them and create handmade gifts. The author of the post couldn't resist sharing the masterpiece crafted by his grandmother. She personally knitted a creative cover for the spare tire of the car. Agree, it turned out incredibly imaginative and vibrant. Now, it will be difficult to mistake their car for a crowd of others that lack such distinctive accessories.

High level.jpg?format=webp@Temptable_Dork/

Life hack from grandma

This grandma is quite a spicy lady who knows how to have a good time not only in her youth but also in her golden years. Not only is she okay with taking a shot of liquor, but she's also creative and fearless. During her vacation, she not only had a great time but also remained composed. She even asked her grandson to take a photo of her with random girls in swimsuits who were sipping their refreshing cocktails. The picture turned out really awesome. The grandson should spend more time with his grandma. She probably has many cool life hacks in reserve on how not to become boring in old age.

1. Life hack from grandma.jpg?format=webp@GallowBoob/

Righteous grandma

There's no need to complicate your life; one lives better when they know how to simplify it. This elderly lady probably follows such a principle. She wrapped her remote control in tape, leaving only the essential buttons she needs for operation. She decided not to bother herself or anyone else in case she forgets which button is for what. With this grandma, everything is always planned, and there's never anything unnecessary.

2. Righteous grandma.jpg?format=webp@Nindroidgamer110/

Unexpected gift

Grandmothers really love taking care of their loved ones. And especially when they're into crafts and enjoy sewing or knitting things for their children and grandchildren, they'll always give something handmade from their own hands. However, this grandma went above and beyond. She set a goal and knitted a sombrero for her granddaughter's hamster. It turned out to be a masterpiece; I believe the little pet appreciated the gift too, as the granddaughter is clearly thrilled. Otherwise, she wouldn't have shared this wonderful photo with her followers.

5. Unexpected gift.jpg?format=webp@Purple_PickleCat/

Hard day

The grandma encountered a strong and determined opponent, which turned out to be a mixer. One can only imagine what she went through as she battled with it. Flour scattered all over the kitchen and even dirtied her sweater. All the emotions of the elderly lady are evident on her face - pain, disappointment, and confusion at how this could have happened. Despite the struggle being tough, the story will evoke positive emotions and smiles, at least in her grandchildren and children who see this photograph.

6. Hard day.jpg?format=webp@Bungalowbeast/

Wool for birds

The author of this post has a very caring grandma. She not only takes care of her family and beloved cats but also of birds and the environment around her. The elderly lady collects cat fur after grooming her favorite pet and attaches it to tree branches so that birds can use it to build their cozy and eco-friendly nests. This is incredibly thoughtful and heartwarming. It could serve as an inspiration for other people who have cats or dogs at home and are willing to care for nature in a similar way.

7. Wool for birds .jpg?format=webp@friedeggjellyfish/

Nice selfie from grandma

With a grandmother, you're never sad. She always has the right advice, and knows how to lift spirits and calm down. The author's post grandmother actively maintains a connection with her granddaughter, sending her daily photos, sometimes from home and sometimes from the car. It's truly sweet, as during her retirement, the elderly lady enjoys a peaceful and carefree life. Finally, she can indulge herself with pleasant little things and receive attention from her loved ones in return.

9. Nice selfie from grandma .jpg?format=webp@flyoverthemooon/

Have fun with Grandpa

It's incredible when the older generation doesn't stop and continues to keep up with the times, actively embracing digital innovations. The author's grandpa mastered the FaceTime app for the first time, although not entirely, which brought joy to his grandson. He managed to connect with his grandson but forgot to disconnect. Yet, thanks to this, his grandson captured the vivid emotions of his grandpa using the app. Unbeknownst to him, the grandpa left unforgettable memories not only for himself but also for his grandson and his readers.

10. Have fun with Grandpa.jpg?format=webp@theVikingMess/

His grandpa is Santa

This grandpa definitely knows that Christmas should be joyful and kind, and also memorable for both adults and children. According to his grandson's words, who shared a photo of his grandpa online, every year on Christmas, he dresses up as Santa Claus, hops onto his cool motorcycle, and rides through the town to create a festive atmosphere to the fullest. Judging from the photo, he's doing a great job at it, and most importantly, he himself gets incredible enjoyment from the process. The photographer was certainly fortunate to have such an amazing and cheerful grandpa.

11. His grandpa is Santa .jpg?format=webp@wstribl/

Halloween’s grandparents

It's pleasant to learn that your grandparents were lively not only in their youth but also in their later years. They always knew how to let loose and ignite the spirit of fun. Over the years, they haven't lost their liveliness and desire for amusement. Every venture into the world was an opportunity for them to feel young and active, regardless of the number of candles on the cake. Another intriguing aspect of your grandparents was their unconventional approach to celebration. They always participated with great delight in festive events like Halloween. Even in their advanced years, when many people start to doubt the magic of celebrations, they joined in the festivities and also adorned their home.

14. Halloween’s grandparents.jpg?format=webp@Karihaber23/

Creative protest

This grandpa is very principled. They brought him to an art lesson but probably didn't ask if he really wanted to go there. So, he decided to protest but did it in a very creative way. He painted two large letters "NO" on his canvas. It's the most eloquent protest you've ever come across. Meanwhile, the grandchildren received a valuable lesson: it's better to ask about someone's desires first and only then arrange surprises.

15. Creative protest .jpg?format=webp@stephenlloyd_dot_net/

Christmas dinner

This grandma certainly knows how to make her Christmas special, bringing together all the dear people in her heart. She simply told everyone that this might be her last Christmas in her lifetime, so it's time to fulfill her dream. And she succeeded in her endeavor. For the celebration, she wore her finest white dress and surrounded herself with her closest loved ones. Hopefully, the grandma lived on for much longer and had more such celebrations, and her family started paying more attention to her, ensuring that sad thoughts wouldn't visit her often.

16. Christmas dinner.jpg?format=webp@devanteswiing/

Three generations of beauties

It's fascinating and crucial to develop a strong and pleasant bond between a grandmother and her grandchild. But what can be done to do this? Recognize and value the distinctive personality and interests of your granddaughter. Even if her interests diverge from your own, support them. This indicates your respect for her as a person. Encourage her and congratulate her on her accomplishments, no matter how big or small. Tell her you have faith in her ability and appreciate all that she has done. Then you will always be best friends!

Three generations of beauties.jpg?format=webp@mypoorliver/

Unexpected idea

Did you notice what's wrong with this photo? Pay attention to the legs of the woman in the middle - they are cut off! The whole secret is that this grandma thought her legs looked fat in the photo, so she decided to cut them off! Well, it happens! There are a few fashion suggestions if you want to make your legs look slimmer. Choose attire that is well-fitting and doesn't cling too closely to your legs. Avoid wearing clothing that is too baggy because it can make you look bigger. In fact, everything ingenious is simple!

Unexpected idea.jpg?format=webp@sbaghetticarbonara/

Birthday at McDonald's

If you still think that only children dream of celebrating their birthday at McDonald's, then you are greatly mistaken. As you can see, even mean people find something funny in this! By the way, it is also convenient! Instead of standing at home for hours at the stove, you can simply invite guests to McDonald's - everyone will be full and happy. Let's miss the point that fast food is not entirely healthy. Sometimes you can definitely eat a burger with fries!

Birthday at McDonald's.jpg?format=webp@Joshwilso/

Call the firemen!

The main thing is that judging by her satisfied expression, she had a wonderful time! Sometimes people go to these events just out of curiosity or for fun. They might want to try something new. By the way, a celebration such as a bachelorette party, birthday, or girls' night out may include going to a male striptease. Perhaps this grandmother was invited to this club by her cheerful friends! In any case, it's great when people do not invent restrictions for themselves due to their age!

Call the firemen!.jpg?format=webp@SuperZoid/

And what's in there?

Just look at this curious grandmother! As you can see, while shopping, she wanted to look not only at the clothes but also at what was hidden under the clothes of the mannequin! We suspect that, apart from a piece of plastic, this grandmother did not see anything there, but the photograph came out funny! In fact, it's cool when older people show curiosity and continue to explore the world around them. This makes their life so much more interesting!

And what's in there.jpg?format=webp@purestoicism/

Happy 90!

This grandma looks amazing! It’s hard to believe she's already 90! A 90th birthday celebration is a tremendous achievement and a lovely occasion to get together with loved ones and think back on a life well spent. On this day it's a good idea to invite distant and nearby family members to a reunion or gathering. It's an opportunity to make new memories! It is also worth taking a lot of funny photos for memory on this day - then you will look at them and remember this beautiful day!

Happy 90!.jpg?format=webp@elbo112/

Grandma doesn't even know…

This sweet grandmother wears this sweater every year and poses for a festive photo. However, she does not even know what the inscription on her pullover really means. I wonder why her relatives didn't tell her about it. Perhaps they have so much fun and joke with their grandmother, or they are simply uncomfortable discussing such spicy topics with their grandmother... Well, in any case, wherever this grandmother comes in such an outfit, she will be a star everywhere and will definitely cheer up everyone around!

Grandma doesn't even know....jpg?format=webp@JackStetzer/

There are never too many cocktails!

We can safely assume that this grandmother is the real star of any party! Despite her advanced age, she is not afraid to drink cocktails and have fun! Well, let's hope she doesn't become the next heroine of an article about people who disgraced themselves in Las Vegas... However, anything can happen! Most likely, this grandmother is well aware that life is one, the years fly by quickly and you want to have fun to the maximum!

There are never too many cocktails!.jpg?format=webp@Arkaos/


Of course, we saw a lot, but for grandfather to dress up in an outfit similar to his granddaughter - we see this for the first time! How do you like this family outfit? We think it's very fun, original and bright! This family was definitely noticed by everyone around. So if you want to become a star of the street and social networks - dress up in a similar outfit and go for a walk! A minute of glory will be provided to you!


That's how they had fun in the 80s!

If you think that in our time life is more interesting and richer than it was in the last century, then it is not a fact that this is true. Just take a look at this photo! This grandfather definitely knew a lot about entertainment. An oriental dancer was invited to his party. We think that in the 80s it was a real sensation! Just imagine how this man was envied by all his friends! I wonder if his wife knew about this beautiful guest. Well, one can only guess…

That's how they had fun in the 80s!.jpg?format=webp@rusty317/

By heart

It's truly valuable when two people with similar values and views of the world come together. It seems that this elderly couple in the photo have found each other and have become accustomed to sharing pranks and a sense of humor together. The man in the photo decided to play a prank and covered his beloved's face with a shovel just before the moment of the shot. Whether the lady was prepared for it or not is unknown, but the photo turned out to be fantastic and amusing. The man is barely containing his laughter, and the extent of his wife's amusement is only known to them, the participants of the photo, behind the scenes.

17. By heart .jpg?format=webp@I_like_meth/
