TOP 40+ designer inventions you'll want to own

13 Mar 2023

Sometimes it seems that in this world it is no longer possible to come up with anything original and useful. But designers prove that with the help of creativity and ingenuity, you can create something truly unique. Sometimes it seems that in this world it is no longer possible to come up with anything original and useful. But designers prove that with the help of creativity and ingenuity you can create something truly unique.


The best way to experience history personally is to visit historical locations. However, it can also be challenging to picture old places that have deteriorated with time.

People can see what the structure once looked like by placing a diagram of it over the ruins. This enhances observers' perception of the original structure's beauty. It also shows how much has deteriorated over time, which is crucial information for historians.


Made-to-Drink Coconuts

There are many excellent ways to prepare coconuts. Their shavings may be found in anything from health foods to sweets, and coconut water is becoming a more widely used beverage.

The only drawback is that it takes some effort to open and consume a coconut. Fortunately, this shop offers an answer for you. All you have to do to open one of these is pull the tab, no need to bring out the tools. This makes them just as simple to open as a drink in a can.

Made-to-Drink Coconuts.jpg?format=webp@alias_bloom/

Swing for people in wheelchairs

Children who use wheelchairs frequently have their activities restricted. This occurs most frequently as a result of the world not being designed with people with disabilities in mind in many aspects.

There's no reason why kids in wheelchairs can't enjoy swinging. Wheelchair-bound children can access this swing's ramp to climb on, which also serves as a swing. This enables them to participate in playground games with other children their own age.

Swing for people in wheelchairs.jpg?format=webp@parachute_knifefight/

Bathroom Sinks With Knee-Activation

Public restrooms are a need, despite the fact that they occasionally can be disgusting. To avoid getting sick, many people look for ways to make their visits to public restrooms cleaner.

Motion-activated sinks look dated in comparison to this design. With this design, turning on the water is as simple as pressing the button with one knee. This is ideal for preventing you from touching the faucet, particularly in confined spaces with plenty of people gathered around the sink.

Bathroom Sinks With Knee-Activation.jpg?format=webp@TOP 15 Incredible Inventions That Will Change the Future/Top Fives/

Coffee Scoop and Clip

Coffee is frequently the beverage of choice for folks who require a little caffeine to start their mornings. But measuring the grounds is crucial to making a nice cup.

With this tool, there's no need to use a spoon and risk an incorrect measurement. With the help of this scooper, you can calculate the precise quantity of coffee required to make your favorite brew. It can be clipped nearby when not in use to keep it close by for those mornings when you're tired.

Coffee Scoop and Clip.jpg?format=webp@SCruzed/

Shop and Charge Your Phone

You probably have a ton of errands to run when you're out and about. People frequently utilize their phones to assist them.

You might utilize a store's rewards program, keep your grocery list on your phone, or even just need to call your roommate to see if they need anything. This could put you at a serious disadvantage if your phone breaks. But when you go to this supermarket, you won't have to worry—just charge your phone as you browse!

Shop and Charge Your Phone.jpg?format=webp@rocker248/

Sending a Help Signal

Employees in retail establishments are instructed to help consumers in need. On the other side, we've all experienced a circumstance where someone wanted to assist us but we didn't want their support.

This store provides two separate basket alternatives in order to minimize awkward contacts and guarantee that staff members are present where they are most required. When you select a black basket, staff members are aware not to bother you. If you select a pink basket, you're indicating that you may need some assistance with your shopping.

Sending a Help Signal.jpg?format=webp@saksith/

Kid's Perspective

Children adore fast food because of the tasty meals and frequently accompanying toys. However, people frequently struggle to choose what to order at the restaurant.

Many parents wish their kids could read the menu themselves so they wouldn't have to read it to them. This kid's menu's layout is a fantastic method to achieve this while letting kids choose their own meals. Sadly, this will only help readers among young people.

Kid's Perspective.jpg?format=webp@We tried the kids' meals at the biggest fast food chains — here’s the best one/Insider Business/

A personal tent

People who stay in dormitories or summer camps understand that privacy can frequently be in short supply. This implies that finding time alone will need some ingenuity.

With this tent, you may spend time alone without forcing your roommate to leave. It is easily zipped for privacy or can be left open for conversation. This can definitely make having roommates a little bit more tolerable, even though you might not have the entire room to yourself.

A personal tent.jpg?format=webp@THE MOST INSANE TENTS THAT ARE ON ANOTHER LEVEL/TechZone/

Facilitating Parking

It's crucial to park precisely in the designated area when you have a fine car that you don't want to get hit. In some parking lots with poor sight, this may be challenging.

Drivers can see the parking place lines. Drivers can quickly determine whether they are inside the space thanks to this. Thus, drivers never have to be concerned about colliding with other vehicles or being struck in crowded parking lots.

Facilitating Parking.jpg?format=webp@Sorin61/

Safe Parking for Skateboards

People may decide to use other modes of transportation in metropolitan areas where driving is inconvenient. Bike, rollerblade, and even skateboard use is common.

When leaving your bike or skateboard anywhere, it's critical to have a location to lock it up so that it doesn't get stolen.

Skateboards can be locked up on this rack so users don't have to carry them around while not in use.

Safe Parking for Skateboards.jpg?format=webp@ImprovementDept/

Ramp and Stairs in One

To assist those with mobility impairments, buildings with stairs must be equipped with ramps. It's crucial that everyone who requires them can simply access these ramps.

The ramp and stairs leading up to the structure are seamlessly incorporated into this architectural style. It saves individuals who require the ramp from having to make extra effort to locate it. Additionally, it highlights how the building's front door appears, blending the ramp with the architecture.

Ramp and Stairs in One.jpg?format=webp@DavidMaspanka/

Room for a Bottle in the Upside Down

All of us have been there. While taking a shower, you notice that your bottle of shampoo or conditioner is virtually empty.

Turning the bottle upside down will almost always solve this issue by causing the contents to trickle closer to the entrance where they can be removed easily. Instead of letting your upside-down containers fall to the shower floor, you can rely on the opening in the shelf of this shower caddy to keep them perfectly.

Room for a Bottle in the Upside Down.jpg?format=webp@JugyvonHolierThnThou/

You and your pets' safety

Pet travel can be challenging. Even the most well-mannered and skilled service dog is still a living creature with needs.

This airport has everything you need if you are transporting a pet for whatever purpose. You can use the restroom whenever you need to, but there is also a little grassy area set aside for pets and service animals to relieve themselves without their owners having to go out of their way or leaving a mess.

You and your pets' safety.jpg?format=webp@Vikko 4/

Protecting the planet

The desire to live sustainably has grown stronger than ever in recent years. Many people are making efforts to help, whether it be through recycling, reducing their meat consumption, or choosing to take shorter showers.

That includes the architect who created this stylish, useful, and environmentally responsible bathroom. Your use of the sink's water is followed by usage of the toilet itself. This reduces water waste without appearing odd or being overly complicated.

Protecting the planet.jpg?format=webp@3 Designer Hacks for Teensy Tiny Bathrooms!/Lisa Holt Design/

Picnic Table for Everyone

It's often unnecessary to complicate going on a picnic with your family and friends. Most families resort to just spreading a rug on the grass and eating there because there is frequently not enough room at the tables.

But in this park, there are unique tables with a three-tiered design that are made only for it. This guarantees that everyone, including adults and children, has a comfortable spot to sit while yet fostering a close-knit, family atmosphere.

Picnic Table for Everyone.jpg?format=webp@BeorcKano/

Look into the microwave

People are beginning to catch on to the obsession as steamer bags of frozen vegetables become a staple in the freezer aisle.

If you choose this brand, you can easily determine how long to put a bag in the microwave so that it comes out tasty and fresh. You'll see the microwave display has a time on it if you look at these bags. The exact cooking times for each choice are displayed here for everyone to observe.

Look into the microwave.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/ 

Ensure that the Plugs Fit

For many households, the challenge of having little outlet space is all too familiar. It can be challenging to arrange household appliances with large plugs so that they all fit together.

Attempting to stack two huge plugs on top of one another is frequently futile. The curved plug in this design, though, makes it simpler. This prevents the bottom outlet from being utilized if you plug it into the upper side of the outlet.

Ensure that the Plugs Fit.jpg?format=webp@TOP 15 Incredible Inventions That Will Change the Future/Top Fives/

All the things you need

You frequently have to walk across the room with wet hands in public restrooms since the hand dryers are off to the side. This makes handwashing challenging in crowded, busy bathrooms.

Users may quickly and efficiently wash their hands by having the soap, faucet, and drier close by. By reducing bathroom crowding, it makes room for the next person in line. These should be installed right away in stadiums, educational institutions, and other public spaces to keep bathrooms simple and convenient.

All the things you need.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/

Want More Room?

For those who require the Internet for their studies, libraries with computers are useful. However, individuals who merely require desk space may become an obstruction.

This college understands how to provide visitors and students with the workspace they require. The monitor can be sunk into the space beneath the desk to clear the area and provide you with more room to work without difficulty or the need for significant rearranging.

Want More Room.jpg?format=webp@Evolution Bench Desk | Evolution Bench Desking System/Genesys Office Furniture/

Streamlined Marketing

We've focused a lot of attention on the items we use every day, but brands we don't see every day also have brilliant marketing designers working for them.

How about this advertisement? The building blocks themselves have straightforward patterns, but the shadows display a much more intricate and lifelike picture. It's a terrific approach to quietly demonstrate how these toys can inspire creativity even if you don't make intricate creations.

Streamlined Marketing.jpg?format=webp@Aquaman_44/

Access the Time anywhere

It might be challenging to judge how late it is when you first wake up with the development of ideas like blackout curtains. Furthermore, you may not want to stand up and check.

The benefit of an alarm clock for a hotel is that you may check the time while still curled up in your blanket. It combines a conventional front display and a side display that shows the time so you can see it from anywhere.

Access the Time anywhere.jpg?format=webp@pezx/

You can handle it

Winter's cold weather frequently requires us to wear gloves or mittens. This can occasionally make it more difficult for us to perform routine jobs if we can't grip.

This door knob's design is an excellent method to get past gloves' restrictions. The knob may be turned while wearing gloves thanks to the rough band that surrounds it. This prevents you from having to remove your gloves, which is very beneficial in the cold.

You can handle it.jpg?format=webp@EZ Door Knob Grips - Able Life/Able Life/

An Equilateral Freeway

Sitting in traffic or, worse worse, getting into an accident, no matter how minor, can make just about anyone's day miserable.
Because of this, carefully planning the roadways is essential to ensuring that everything moves along smoothly. This freeway's architect took the effort to ensure that it remained as efficient and safe as feasible. Not to mention, from this vantage point, the symmetry is rather pleasing.

An Equilateral Freeway.jpg?format=webp@The Simple Solution to Traffic/CGP Grey/

Revolutionary Shelf

Practicality is a crucial, but frequently disregarded, component of interior design. To avoid clutter in the house, it is crucial to make sure every piece is practical.

This item serves as a desk in addition to a bookshelf. For people who have a little area or who want to reduce clutter in other ways, this folding shelf is a perfect solution. It conveniently folds up when not in use, keeping your room tidy.

Revolutionary Shelf.jpg?format=webp@50 Computer Desk Designs ideas with book shelf// study table design ideas for students/Wonderlust of Design/

An item to dispense bar soap

The importance of hand washing for hygiene is enormous. Regardless of whether you select a bar or liquid soap, it is hard to wash your hands correctly without quality soap.

The fact that bar soap can make a mess after getting wet is one of its drawbacks. This tool removes a small amount of soap from the bar without letting it leak or making a mess. This solid soap substitute for liquid soap offers all the advantages of its solid counterpart.

An item to dispense bar soap.jpg?format=webp@uncommongifts/

Never give up

The fact that candles frequently melt and don't endure forever is one of their most annoying qualities. You won't be out of luck if you work with this designer.

This candle holder design gathers the wax in a tube beneath the candle itself rather than just letting it drip over the sides into a dish to catch it. This enables you to burn the candle down completely if you'd like to take your time about it. Then, you can just relight it and start over.

Never give up.jpg?format=webp@This candle hack works every time!/@housebeautiful/

Seattle city map

If you aren't from the area, it might be challenging to find your way around major cities. This can be particularly difficult without a phone or map, frequently resulting in individuals getting lost.

The design of this manhole cover is a novel method of preventing lost individuals in Seattle. Navigation is simple thanks to the map's inspections of the city. You might follow the map from one manhole to the next since these covers are likely present on every manhole in the city.

Seattle city map.jpg?format=webp@poznasty/

Options available to all

Many Asian societies place a high value on utensils like chopsticks. This could imply that if you go to your preferred takeout place, you might be given a set of chopsticks.

But it can be difficult if you've never used them before. It might also be awkward to have to make a different request. This utensil gives you the choice of using them as chopsticks or a fork, making them simpler for beginners to use.

Options available to all.jpg?format=webp@Ciggytardust1/

Get a Charging Station to Rent

You must pack a few necessities with you on each journey, whether it be for pleasure or work. For instance, you ought to take your toothbrush with you.

In the contemporary era, this also entails packing chargers to keep your technology powered up. If you forget them, you can subsequently pay the price by having to purchase a replacement. As an alternative, you can rent a charging station while staying at this hotel as a temporary fix.

Get a Charging Station to Rent.jpg?format=webp@Power bank rental solution, power bank rental system cell phone charging stations emergency charging/Johnny Zuo/

Never spill

Because precise and correct ingredient measurements are needed, baking can be challenging. The result might be ruined by inaccurate measures, which can be extremely frustrating for the baker.

You must level the cup before measuring dry ingredients to ensure that nothing is overflowing. With most measuring cups, this is challenging but makes the measurement precise. The arm on this cup makes it simple to level it, which is a design feature that most bakers would swoon over.

Never spill.jpg?format=webp@How to Measure Dry Ingredients Like a Pro | Food Network/Food Network/

Too High of a Handle

Children can burn off excess energy by playing at outdoor playgrounds. They are allowed to play and run around while adults in the area keep an eye on them.

A fence surrounds this playground to keep kids inside and safe. Only the adults supervising the kids may open the gate because the handle is kept high enough. This prevents tiny children from unintentionally opening the gate and escaping into an area where they cannot be easily watched.

Too High of a Handle.jpg?format=webp@TOP 15 Incredible Inventions That Will Change the Future/Top Fives/

Foot Buttons for Elevators

Despite the fact that elevators are undoubtedly more convenient than a set of steps, hauling large goods is still a difficult experience. If you have a heavy object in both of your hands, how are you supposed to push the up or down button or the button that selects which floor you want to go to?

The following buttons are useful in this situation. You only need to press them with your feet, and before you know it, you'll be standing on top of the structure.

Foot Buttons for Elevators.jpg?format=webp@WharFalcon/

Tea Bag Stand

Yes, a hot cup of tea can help with a sore throat and is just a wonderful beverage to have in the evening. There is no doubt, however, that dealing with the label on the string is quite irritating.

It seems so simple for the string to fall into the beverage, and drinking with others would be uncomfortable if it did. However, if you have the next cup, you won't ever experience that issue again.

Tea Bag Stand.jpg?format=webp@scarletfloyd/

Cable Extension Built-in

There are instances when the extension cords we purchase from the hardware store are simply insufficient to connect a few specific appliances to the electricity. If you have to use an electric device distant from an outlet, how do you connect your vacuum cleaner or any other electric appliance?

No need to worry; the following designer created a practical solution by incorporating an extension cord that runs throughout the house and collapses back into a wall hole when not in use.

Cable Extension Built In.jpg?format=webp@Sumit316/

Pet-safe door

Have you ever wished that you could keep all of the doors to your house closed while still allowing your cat to travel around the house without any difficulty? Sometimes leaving the door slightly open is insufficient.

The following solution can be applied in this situation. Your feline buddies can enter and exit the house through this built-in opening in the door, which serves as a sort of miniature door. No more uncomfortable nighttime noises or scratching.

Pet-safe door.jpg?format=webp@rbruch/

Drapery overlapper

Don't you simply hate it when your drapes don't close completely and a light ray manages to sneak through the middle every time? Since the invention of, uh, curtains, many people have been troubled by this issue!

This problem was particularly familiar to a designer, who was motivated to take action to solve it once and for all. This method, which they engineered, makes sure that one curtain is always overlapping the other.

Drapery overlapper.jpg?format=webp@What Does a Layered Curtain Look Like? Blackout and Sheer Drapes/Kempler Design Window Fashions/

Elevator Rain Indicator

Many people who reside in elevator-equipped buildings are familiar with what it's like to reach the bottom floor only to find that it has started to rain. Since they forgot to bring an umbrella, they may not have much time to return all the way upstairs to grab it.

As a result, the next designer installed a light in a Japanese elevator to show whether it is raining outside by lighting up with an umbrella emblem.

Elevator Rain Indicator.jpg?format=webp@eigosensei/

Built-in Phone Shelf and Table

This is undoubtedly one of the cases on this list that is most unusual. We're not completely clear why this is such a useful piece of design, though. It presumably helps since it makes it harder for shady characters to approach and steal your phone from the table's surface.

It will be much more awkward and challenging to steal it if it is hidden inside like this. Additionally, it will shield your phone from any possible liquid spills.

Built-in Phone Shelf and Table.jpg?format=webp@Cool Desk Organizer For Home Office with Charging For IPHONE and AIRPODS PRO/Bevelish Creations/

Bedside table cabinet

The perfect way to save space and free up your area at the same time is a transformer nightstand. The designer thought of everything when creating this piece of furniture. A small nightstand that can be placed in the living room or kitchen transforms into a wardrobe with just a few easy movements. Inside, you can store photo albums, clothing, or books. Furthermore, if you ever desire to change your interior, you can replace one piece of furniture with another without any additional cost.

Bedside table cabinet.jpg?format=webp@INCREDIBLY INGENIOUS Hidden Rooms and Secret Furniture/Interesting & Creative Designs/

Phone Pedal Charger

Yes, almost every airport and train station now provides outlets where travelers can charge their phones as they wait to board their flight or train. How many of these charging stations, though, actually allow you to work while your gadget is being charged?

In this case, one truly needs to pedal as if they were riding a bike in order to supply electricity to their phone. so that you can exercise while your phone is charging.

Phone Pedal Charger.jpg?format=webp@youyouxue/

Label with Sheet Side Indicator

Let's face it, figuring out whether the side of your bed sheets is the right side—whether it is the long or the short one—can be really frustrating and time-consuming. There is a difference, even though it may appear very slight.

But this raises the question: Do you want to use 10 minutes of your free time to try to locate the solution? With the following sheets, labels are included on each side so you will always know which side is which.

Label with Sheet Side Indicator.jpg?format=webp@AstroPug_/

Traction Park

There is no disputing that taking your children on a train can be a difficult experience. When you have to ride in a carriage with someone for a number of hours, how do you keep them entertained?

A playground was apparently built at the end of one of the carriages by the train that came after it as a solution to that issue. Your children will have the ideal chance to let off some steam while giving you the break you need.

Traction Park.jpg?format=webp@ratiocinator112358/

Flexible Bench

Let's face it; comfort is a highly personal experience. What may be cozy for one person may be unbearably uncomfortable for another. So how exactly could a public bench be pleasant for someone around to sit on?

Installing a seat whose shape may be altered to suit the user's comfort is actually a rather easy solution. Everyone is unwinding on the same same bench in various positions, as seen in the picture.

Flexible Bench.jpg?format=webp@Coffee Bench Design by Karolina Tylka from BEYOND Studio/FurniiiCom/

Simple to See USB

Just getting something into a USB port might be difficult. You have a 50/50 probability that we will all initially perceive something incorrectly, after all.

However, when attempting to plug in a USB device in the dark, this challenge soars obscenely high. With this design, you may choose a subtle illumination so that you won't have to rely on guesswork in the dark to find your USB connection.

Simple to See USB.jpg?format=webp@KTthemajicgoat/

Outlets That Rotate

Don't you just hate it when a device like this can only have half of its outlets in use at once? This is due to the fact that certain plugs are larger than others and take up an excessive amount of space, making it impossible to use all of the outlets that are available.

This is where the upcoming design triumph shines. All of these outlets rotate, so provided your plugs are properly positioned, you can use all of your plugs.

Outlets That Rotate.jpg?format=webp@360 Electrical 3-Pc Surge Protector Bundle w/4-Port Rotating Outlet on QVC/QVCtv/

Safely adjust the water

When you turn on the shower, the icy shock is virtually never pleasant. Due to this, many people attempt to turn on the water in advance so that it can warm up a little.

Consider this style if you like to turn on the shower before entering. This is considerably simpler because the handle is on the opposite side of the shower. With this shower design, you'll never have to wait in the rain while the water warms up!

Safely adjust the water.jpg?format=webp@Hakuna_Ratata/

How Much of This Elevator Is Full

It is frequently more convenient to use the elevator than the stairs. This is especially true in buildings where taking the stairs may require walking up and down numerous flights of stairs.

However, elevators frequently become crowded, making it difficult to determine when they are at maximum capacity. This practical tool is useful for preventing overcrowding in the elevator car. Additionally, it helps others coming into the car by letting them know whether or not to take the next elevator.

How Much of This Elevator Is Full.jpg?format=webp@SonOfWAY/

Set the late-night volume limiter

Snacks at midnight are ideal—until the microwave starts to beep. Other people may be awakened by the sound, which could make them angry about being awakened in the middle of the night.

The solution to this issue is this microwave. The user has the ability to adjust the beeping's loudness. Those who have hearing issues can turn up the level or turn it down late at night! With this device, there's no need to contend with the loudness of your microwave.

Set the late-night volume limiter.jpg?format=webp@Turn Off Microwave Beeps Easy/How To Do Anything!/

A Pleasant Way to Move

Tall staircases are unpleasant, particularly if you have young children who like to run ahead. The most monotonous mode of transportation when there are no escalators in sight is the staircase.

It would be fantastic to add slides to this staircase to add some fun to this otherwise dull area. Both children with extra energy and adults who are too worn out to climb stairs can use the slide. Even if they only function in one direction, they are nonetheless worthwhile.

A Pleasant Way to Move.jpg?format=webp@Long Slide at Suma Rikyu Park/Drahethick/
