40+ interesting findings from people's backyards

12 Mar 2023

Since many people spend a lot of time in their gardens, sometimes they come across such finds that can surprise even archaeologists. See what people found in their yards. 

These occurrences, whether they unearthed anything historically significant or simply something that left them speechless, piqued our curiosity and made us consider whether we ought to go exploring in our own backyards.

1. From the Church taken away

There are some items that we never anticipate being reported stolen. Nevertheless, the universe seems to demonstrate again that nothing is guaranteed.

That is one of the remarkable things about this person's discovery in the Czech Republic. He observed a piece of metal protruding from the ground. It was actually a pair of bells, he noticed after giving it a closer look. It turned out that the bells had been stolen from a local church and were 400 years old.

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2. A Ferrari buried

A Dino 246 GTS was discovered by a bunch of kids in their yard in 1978 while they were excavating. Though initially unsure of what they had found, the children promptly located a police officer.

In actuality, the car was really stolen later that same year after being purchased in 1974. It seemed like a complex plot to come back for the automobile later as it was buried wrapped in plastic, but they never did. Nobody is entirely certain who stole the automobile even now.

2. A Ferrari buried.jpg?format=webp@pubwithnobeer/reddit.com

3. Watch for wildlife

You could anticipate seeing certain animals in your backyard, such as raccoons or squirrels. You would probably be more than a little scared to see an alligator, even in Florida.

A strange noise in Sharon Bente's garden prompted her to leave her home, and she was shocked to discover an eight-foot alligator swimming in her swimming pool. She and her husband saw the alligator fighting to escape the pool after tearing a hole in their patio screen.

3. Watch for wildlife.jpg?format=webp@kekembas17/reddit.com

4. Sometimes you can find a famous actress in your yard!

It turns out that sometimes to meet your idols, it is not at all necessary to leave your yard! A California family found the famous Canadian actress Margot Kidder from the Superman movies in their backyard in 1996! She was scared, in dirty clothes and missing a few teeth! At that time, the woman was 47 years old and had a difficult period in her life. She had health and financial problems. The story began with the fact that she disappeared and her agent went to the police, after which she was found three days later. Doctors diagnosed the star with bipolar disorder and placed her in a psychiatric hospital for treatment. The woman died in 2018.

Sometimes you can find a famous actress in your yard.jpg?format=webp
@STRANGEST Things People Found In Their Backyard!/ Origins Explained/ YouTube.com

5. A man found a loaded rifle in the yard!

Sometimes the finds in the backyard are so terrible that the help of the police is indispensable! One day a man living in Calgary found a loaded rifle in his yard! The weapon and someone else’s mobile phone lay in a pillowcase. The man discovered this suspicious find while working in the backyard. Before calling the police, the man unloaded the weapon. However, you should not do this because if you find a weapon, you cannot touch it. Firstly, you can accidentally injure someone, and secondly, you will leave your fingerprints on it. And who knows how the story could end, because it is possible that someone was killed by the found rifle!

A man found a loaded rifle in the yard.jpg?format=webp@Most MYSTERIOUS Backyard Discoveries Ever Made!/ Origins Explained/ YouTube.com

6. The bear came to rest in a hammock!

If you think that bears can only be found in a zoo or the forest, then this is not the case. One day, the Internet was hit by a photograph of a bear resting in someone's yard on a hammock. It turns out that it was the yard of a resident of the American state of North Carolina. The woman filmed the wild animal and posted it online. According to the woman, the bear had previously visited her yard. Most likely, the bear decided that this was already his home. And we assume that no one will dare to run him away because it is quite dangerous to approach such animals!

The bear came to rest in a hammock.jpg?format=webp
@Most AMAZING Backyard Discoveries / BE AMAZED/ YouTube.com

7. On a trampoline with foxes

Sometimes, even if you are a little worried, it is just as cute as it is shocking to walk out into your backyard and see something there.

One morning when this man got out of bed, he noticed something that was undoubtedly unusual. A couple of adorable foxes were bouncing about on the trampoline in his garden. You can't deny that this undoubtedly made for a cute image, even if it was unexpected.

7. On a trampoline with foxes.jpg?format=webp@jaykirsch/reddit.com

8. A startling discover

It is shockingly frequent from the accounts on this list that people discover human remains on their land. You probably won't need to worry about this.

But Ken Sauve did have to be concerned about this. He saw what he initially believed to be animal bones in his backyard, but when his wife encouraged him to dig them up, he discovered that he was looking at a human skeleton. Later, the bones were linked to the 17th century.

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9. Enormous earthworm

There are things we see every day but don't give much thought to. For instance, most people don't give an earthworm crawling about in the dirt a second thought.

On the other hand, there is no way you would ignore the same earthworm if it were almost two feet long. This 20-inch earthworm was discovered in Li Zhiwei's yard, a Chinese worker, one day. The fact that the animal had grown so long stunned biologists more than anyone else.

9. Enormous earthworm.jpg?format=webp@HappyWatermelone/reddit.com

10. A lost palace

Charles Pole, an 81-year-old pensioner from Somerset, made this amazing find while building a bungalow in his garden. While working, Charles discovered the ruins of an 800-year-old palace underground! However, this discovery did not bring anything good to the pensioner. It turns out that Charles had to pay £15,000 to cover the archaeological work in his garden and pay for the renovation of the foundations of his bungalow. Therefore, as you can see, finds in the yard do not always bring money and joy, sometimes everything is quite the opposite!

A lost palace.jpg?format=webp
@Most AMAZING Backyard Discoveries / BE AMAZED/ YouTube.com

11. $100000 doorstop

Are you prepared for more shocking news? Then we carry on. A man in Michigan used a $100,000 meteorite as a doorstop for thirty years before realizing how valuable it was! The fact that the owner of the stone ultimately chose to take the doorstop for use in studies at Central Michigan University suggests that the owner suspected that the stone might be valuable. Following some investigation, it was discovered that this object is a meteorite, with a price tag of $100,000! According to the experts, this rock is the sixth-largest meteorite ever discovered in Michigan.

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@Man Used Meteorite Worth $100000 as a Door Stop For 30 Years/ Factical/ YouTube.com

12. Have you ever seen a seal sunbathing on your patio?

Stories when seals come to visit people in the yard, but we want to tell you about a unique case! The fact is that this time a resident of the UK named Anne Page noticed a seal in the yard of her house, almost 20 miles from the sea! Could an animal have traveled such a long distance? Amazing! The woman suggested that the seal must have swum across the River Witham and then once more river. The story ended with a happy ending - a local policeman and an RSPCA officer took the seal back to the sea.

Have you ever seen a seal sunbathing on your patio.jpg?format=webp
@Most AMAZING Backyard Discoveries / BE AMAZED/ YouTube.com

13. Amazing! Lost Mexican kingdom in a backyard!

It's hard to believe, but sometimes even the lost Mexican kingdom can be found in the backyard. This story took place in the backyard of a cattle ranch in Mexico. A man, who suspected that something interesting might be underground since an ancient stone tablet had been discovered there earlier, turned to the archaeologists. In the end, his suspicions were confirmed! Archaeologists have found underground the remains of the capital of the ancient kingdom of Sak tzʼi, which was inhabited in 750 BC and lasted for 1000 years.

Amazing! Lost Mexican kingdom in a backyard!.jpg?format=webp
@Most AMAZING Backyard Discoveries / BE AMAZED/ YouTube.com

14. Ancient spider

Chinese courtyards aren't dull either! While tending to his garden there, a local farmer discovered a rare and pricey spider. At first, the man thought it was an old signet because the spider looked like it up close. However, the "signet" stirred as soon as the man decided to pick it up. After realizing it was an animal, the farmer identified it as a spider. It was discovered that this is an example of a rare species of Cyclocosmia, a genus of ancient arachnids that first evolved approximately 100 million years ago! The farmer decided to capitalize on his discovery and sell the spider for a lot of money.

Ancient spider.jpg?format=webp@Most AMAZING Backyard Discoveries / BE AMAZED/ YouTube.com

15. A 22-pound chunk of 2000-year-old butter

Perhaps this find is the dream of any cook! Of course, we are joking because hardly anyone would dare to eat oil that is 2,000 years old! However, how was this huge piece of butter found? This story takes place in County Meath, Ireland, where a man named Jack Conway while working at a house, found a block of unknown origin in a swamp. After examining the find, the man contacted the local museum, whose employees shocked him with the information that a piece of butter weighing 22 pounds had been lying in his yard for 2000 years! The fact is that swamps are an excellent place for conservation due to low temperatures and a highly acidic environment.

A 22-pound chunk of 2000-year-old butter.jpg?format=webp
@18 Unusual Backyard Discoveries / Wacky Universe/YouTube.com

16. Horrifying finding

After moving into a new home, Kerri Moran, from Brisbane found a terrifying find in her backyard - a strange object depicting a grave. Of course, first of all, after such a find, the most terrible thoughts may come to mind. For example, that someone was buried in the yard, or even worse - perhaps the house was cursed! As a result, the woman published a photo of the find on Facebook, and users began to write their guesses about what it could be. Someone even advised the woman to call an exorcist! As a result, Kerri could not stand it and, having contacted the former owners of the house, she found out that this frightening object at first glance is the "creativity" of their son, who was engaged in pottery.

Horrifying finding.jpg?format=webp@Most AMAZING Backyard Discoveries / BE AMAZED/ YouTube.com

17. A man found a huge amount of illegal substances in the yard!

Well, while some people find the remains of ancient civilizations in their backyard, others find illegal substances worth 175 thousand dollars! A man from Silver Lake decided to install solar panels on his property, and during the work, he found hashish and marijuana in the yard in large quantities. Perhaps one of the neighbors made a cache in the man's yard! The man was not taken aback and immediately called the police. They decided to give a lesson to the one who made this cache and put a note in place of the drugs, in which they explained that the cache was gone, and the police were watching the house.

A man found a huge amount of illegal substances in the yard.jpg?format=webp@5 Strange BACKYARD Discoveries / Top Fives/ YouTube.com

18. An unusual caterpillar crawled into the yard!

Spanish Luján Eroles, 46, stumbled upon a strange two-headed caterpillar-like creature in her yard! The animal looked like a snake with two heads, about 10 cm in size. But what is it, and should we be afraid of it? The woman filmed the creature and posted it online. It seems that the caterpillar even winked with one eye! People's opinions about the origin of this strange creature are divided. As a result, it turned out that this creature could be a caterpillar of an Elephant-Hawk moth. They look like an elephant's trunk and have eye spots to scare away predators.

An unusual caterpillar crawled into the yard.jpg?format=webp
@Woman Finds Strange Caterpillar In Garden/ Caters Clips/ YouTube.com

19. Cannonball!

Finding a weapon or a piece from a weapon in your yard is always unsettling. Even if you are aware of its age, you are probably still somewhat taken aback.

This man's experience was discovering a cannonball when he only intended to dig a hole for his new fish pond. Instead, he discovered a really old cannonball. After being launched for the first time in 1812 during the Battle of New Orleans, it had been lying in the yard waiting to be discovered.

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20. That many meteorites!

It's unexpected enough to find a single meteorite in your yard. Even more unexpected would be to find a number of these lying around in your yard.

A man in Bosnia who went outside to inspect his yard found that a total of six meteorites had fallen into it. Due to the rarity of finding meteorites in yards, this was extremely intriguing. They often aren't too numerous in a concentrated area and usually stand out more in expanses like deserts or frigid regions.

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21. A cheetah alone

Once more, there are certain creatures you wouldn't be shocked to see prowling around your yard. One thing you would probably recoil from seeing in your yard is a large animal like a cheetah.

In 2008, a nine-year-old boy in Cambridgeshire ran into his backyard to play when he spotted a cheetah. Fortunately, the animal didn't hurt him because he fled to rescue his mother. It turned out that she had escaped from the adjacent zoo and went by the name of Akea.

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22. A complete cemetery

It's startling enough to discover a single unsettling object in your backyard, but there's something even more disturbing than that. How about an entire cemetery?

One man in New Orleans, Louisiana, was stunned but not horrified. It's all a part of New Orleans culture, he subsequently remarked. They [neighbors] might even enjoy it, in my opinion. He discovered a buried cemetery with a total of 13 caskets, making it an impressive find.

A complete cemetery (1).jpg?format=webp@10 INSANE Things Found In Peoples Backyards/Top5Central/YouTube.com

23. Medieval сurrency

The planet is full of ancient artifacts that have been buried. There are remnants of the past around, whether it be a fossil or even a photograph from a few decades ago.

When some individuals were excavating in Israel, they made a momentous find that made the history books. The team discovered 2,000 medieval coins in total, the most ever discovered in a single dig, and they were made during the 10th and 11th centuries.

23. Medieval сurrency.jpg?format=webp@fuck_ya_bud/reddit.com

24. Misplaced Treasure

Not everyone who discovers buried treasure is its true owner. For example, in this situation, the property owners weren't the ones who discovered the bounty.

Instead, the real estate owner had contracted with a team to perform some modifications on his French property. They discovered and took a treasure worth an estimated 900k Euros while they were at work. That amounts to more than one million dollars in the US!

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25. Bombs out

Nothing is quite as unanticipated as discovering explosives in your own yard, especially if all you intended to do was remove a few unsightly tree stumps.

However, a 39-year-old guy in the Czech Republic experienced that. In May 2013, as he was taking out the tree trunks, he became aware of something there. After making contact with the police, he discovered that his yard was full of explosives from the Second World War.

25. Bombs out.jpg?format=webp@umberto_pagano/reddit.com

26. Nobody is aware

The Kitchener sisters weren't expecting to uncover anything when they dug for worms in their own backyard. They most certainly didn't anticipate to discover a thing no one could place.

When they first saw it, they initially thought it was a meteorite, but that was swiftly disproved by the outer layer that was visible and by its location in the ground. A gem expert named Gary Winkler then claimed that he was unsure of the object's natural origins and that it was not a known gem. This discovery is currently a mystery.

Nobody is aware (1).jpg?format=webp@10 Strange Things People Found In Their Backyard/FactFile/YouTube.com

27. Anacondas taking a nap

Although it's not unusual or frightening to find a snake in the garden, this doesn't apply to all snakes particularly large ones.

One family in Melbourne, Florida was outside having fun when they spotted a snake they hadn't expected to see. They discovered themselves staring at an anaconda that was perhaps nine or ten feet long rather than a typical garden snake. We most certainly wouldn't want to see it in our own yard!

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28. Early years

One man simply wanted to work on his backyard gardening in 2014. He most certainly didn't anticipate making such a significant and presumably frightening discovery.

He saw that the objects he discovered resembled human bones when he began to pay closer attention, and he was right! In fact, the human skeleton in his yard belonged to a Native American and was 1,000 years old.

28. Early years.jpg?format=webp@10 Strange Things People Found In Their Backyard/FactFile/YouTube.com

29. One woolly mammoth alone

We must rely on the discovery of fossils and other similar evidence for the majority of prehistoric history if we are to comprehend life on Earth at that time.

A guy from Iowa and his two sons were simply out gathering blackberries in the forested area of their land in 2010 when they became suspicious of something. It was actually a bone that protruded from the earth and was only a small portion of a discovery that also included foot bones, ribs, and a four-foot femur from a woolly mammoth.

29. One woolly mammoth alone.jpg?format=webp@Mammoth Bones Discovered Behind House in Iowa/ABC News/YouTube.com

30. Gold

Nothing is more coveted by many individuals than a large sum of money that appears without much effort. Life would be so much simpler if it did!

That is precisely what one couple went through. They spotted a bucket jutting out of the ground as they were walking their dog through what was once known as "Gold Country," but is now just their backyard. Further investigation revealed that it contained a cache of gold worth roughly $10 million.

gold 10 mill (1).jpg?format=webp@25 Unusual Things You Won’t Believe Were Found In A Backyard/List 25/Youtube.com

31. Garden cemetery

Even one burial in your backyard would be unsettling, but as we'll see, some people have discovered an entire graveyard in their homes.

In the UK, an amateur historian who was investigating his own home is one instance of this. He came to a graveyard that was shockingly old. In the end, scholars concluded that the burial sites could have been as old as 2500 B.C.

garden cemenrary in england (1).jpg?format=webp@25 Unusual Things You Won’t Believe Were Found In A Backyard/List 25/Youtube.com

32. A fun discover

While there are many items in your yard that have tremendous value, whether in terms of money or historical significance.

However, that does not imply that each and every find fits into one of those groups. The things that people discover in their yards might either be plain unsettling or, if you're not too grossed out, can actually be rather humorous. Like this unfortunate family in Buffalo, New York, who discovered artificial teeth in their garden.

A Fun Discover.jpg?format=webp@10 Strange Things People Found In Their Backyard/FactFile/YouTube.com

33. Bones being found

Eric and Andrew, two young brothers, were having fun in their backyard creek when they became alarmed. They discovered a bone poking out of the dirt while constructing a dam.

The two youngsters instantly became worried that they had discovered a human bone and sought assistance. It turns out that in the backyard of this Detroit house was a find that was much older. The bone, a vertebra from a Mastodon, was truly 13,000 years old.

mamont bones founded by 2 boys (1).jpg?format=webp@25 Unusual Things You Won’t Believe Were Found In A Backyard/List 25/Youtube.com

34. Ancient structures

Although the region became a common area in the 1300s, legal documents claim that this ancient stone dates to 1170 and was discovered by an amateur historian while researching the history of his own home.

Even more intriguingly, the stone vanished despite being regarded as a historical artifact, maybe a stone grave marker from the Bronze Age dating as far back as 2,500 B.C. The stone was last mentioned in 1636, according to research. Stephen Davis looked around the land and found it.

Ancient Structures.jpg?format=webp@STRANGEST Things People Found In Their Backyard!/Origins Explained/YouTube.com

35. An amazing find

There are some things in life that you don't anticipate finding, like prehistoric fossils. Even less likely is your expectation that your own backyard will hold the find of a lifetime.

In 1978, Gary Johnson discovered a sizable rock in his yard. It turned out to be a fossil, namely a fragment of a whale skull. This skull was roughly estimated by the paleontologist who examined it to be between 14 and 16 million years old and to have come from a rare baleen whale.

35 An amazing find.jpg?format=webp@10 Most Amazing Things Found Buried Underground/Facts Junkie/YouTube.com

36. With high yield

Numerous factors could be at play if someone is digging extensively in their property. This Hyde Park resident had a plan to upgrade the pond in his garden.

But while he toiled, he became aware of an oddity: something was protruding from the ground! He realized he required a professional to take a deeper look after a closer inspection. This made it clear that he had indeed discovered a fossil, which prompted an excavation. They discovered a total of 90 Mastodon bones.

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37. Trove of gold

Although it may sound like something out of a fairytale or folklore, it turns out that people do find buried diamonds on occasion. In 2007, Austrian Andreas K. experienced it.

In fact, when digging in his backyard, he struck a relic that was close to 650 years old. It was a hoard of various things, including vintage jewelry like brooches and rings. The finder chose to maintain a degree of anonymity and now owns the treasure as part of his personal property.

37. Trove of gold.jpg?format=webp@The Staffordshire Hoard - Unveiling the story so far.../History West Midlands/YouTube.com

38. The Ideal Residence

At this point, we've discussed a few items that you wouldn't want to see in your own yard. But when it comes to unsettling discoveries, this one could just take the prize.

This discovery was really somewhat common. A Florida real estate developer made the decision to build new residences over a former bombing range. This meant that a lot of individuals were shocked to discover weapons when they went to work in their backyard.

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39. Soldier medal

Mike Iacovelli grew up in the coastal town of Worcester. As a child, he was very active and inquisitive, so from time to time he led the so-called archaeological surveys. And during one of them, he found an amazing thing in his backyard. At first, one might think this is an old coin, but it was a gold medal of honor. Little Mike hid the medal in a box, and after 30 years he thought about trying to find the relatives of the owner of this valuable item. The name on the medal indicated that it belonged to A. G. George Hammond, a gunner on an ammunition convoy of the 61st Division. Unfortunately, he died on June 12, 1917, when he was only 24 years old. Thanks to Facebook searches, Mike found George's great-great-granddaughter and returned her relative's medal to her!

Soldier medal.jpg?format=webp@Boy Digging In Back Yard Uncovers A Treasure So Valuable That He Decides He Has To Return It/Did You Know?/ YouTube.com

40. A gothic construction that was built using bones!

It turns out that even 25 years after moving into a new house, you can find something frightening in the yard! For example, John Bostock from Edgbaston, Birmingham found an 18th-century tooth and bone structure in his garden! The man posted photos of a strange find on social networks, after which his post became very popular - people wrote their guesses about what kind of structure it might be. As a result, an employee of the National Trust and a local historian came to John's house. They examined the find and concluded that this mysterious building was built in the mid-1700s when aristocrats were building decorative structures in the garden.

A gothic construction that was built using bones!.jpg?format=webp@Most AMAZING Backyard Discoveries / BE AMAZED/ YouTube.com

41. World War II aircraft

The list of amazing yard finds goes on! This time, 14-year-old Daniel Rom Kristiansen found a plane that crashed during the Second World War behind his house! Marvelous! The family started digging, but they needed to dig deeper, so they borrowed an excavator from a neighbor. During the excavations, it turned out that there were the remains of an airplane underground! Bones and personal belongings of the pilot were also found. The police took them away for investigation. Such incredible stories happen!

World War II aircraft.jpg?format=webp@10 Backyard Discoveries You Won't Believe!/ 10B/ YouTube.com

42. A horrific discovery

Yet another unfortunate person, who was merely attempting to create their ideal backyard, discovered human remains somewhere they weren't expecting to.

This individual was merely constructing an in-ground pool, but the extensive digging turned up some historical relics. He discovered 13 separate caskets, all containing human remains, had been interred in his yard. When they were further studied by professionals, they were discovered to date from the 1700s.

42. A horrific discovery.jpg?format=webp@10 Strange Things People Found In Their Backyard/FactFile/YouTube.com

43. Taking out bones

There are some things, like human remains, that you never want to find in your yard. That's exactly what this family discovered when they moved into their brand-new Yuba City, California home.

They discovered a pot poking out of the dirt when their dog was digging in the garden. They discovered it was actually bones after closer examination, fortunately from a historical site rather than a more nefarious find. Other components of the burial site, including weapons and money, were also found.

43. Taking out bones.jpg?format=webp@10 Strange Things People Found In Their Backyard/FactFile/YouTube.com

44. A golden finding

Nothing is more lucky than discovering something precious that you have a claim to. One Californian guy had the opportunity to do so in 2011.

He found gold while using his metal detector outside. He actually discovered a gold nugget weighing an astonishing 8.2 pounds. This incredibly huge piece of gold was later auctioned off for $460,000. Geologists also predicted that the man would undoubtedly discover additional gold on his property if he decided to keep looking.

A golden finding.jpg?format=webp@Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found - Giant/The Rumors/YouTube.com

45. Notice is worthwhile

If you work in your garden, you most likely don't anticipate getting much in return outside the veggies you've grown, unless you want to sell them.

A man in Illinois was tending to his garden when he received a reward more than a bushel of vegetables. He discovered a nylon sack poking out of the earth as he was sifting through the soil. The bag held a total of $150k when he took it out and opened it!

45. Notice is worthwhile.jpg?format=webp@Unemployed Man Finds $150k - Turns It In/The Young Turks/YouTube.com

46. A fresh coincidence

This is an illustration of something that might not be really valuable but that gave the homeowner the willies.

The father of this Reddit member was excavating in his yard to construct a retaining wall. While he was doing that, he discovered an old newspaper that wasn't very uncommon on its own buried in the yard. The newspaper's date was ten years to the day after the day he dug it up, which was peculiar.

46. A fresh coincidence.jpg?format=webp@10 Strange Things People Found In Their Backyard/FactFile/YouTube.com

47. Accused of a crime

When you step outside into your backyard, the last thing you anticipate is to learn that your property may be connected to a crime, particularly one of such magnitude.

This was connected to a robbery committed by two truck drivers who stole $1 million from a package bound for Bank of America before being apprehended. Following their arrest, a resident in Fontana, California discovered $600,000 worth of the men's haul in their own yard.

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48. Finding their stomach

This Canadian man had no interest in discovering something illustrious or noteworthy. Early in 2014, all he wanted to do was spend the morning clearing the space between his garage and fence.

But instead, he discovered a pillowcase that wasn't his. Two items were inside when he opened it: a mobile phone and a fully loaded firearm. Even while it doesn't appear to be an especially old find, it appears that a doomsday survivalist may have passed by.

Finding Their Stomach.jpg?format=webp@10 INSANE Things Found In Peoples Backyards/Top5Central/YouTube.com

49. The Murfreesboro Star

In Murfreesboro, Arkansas, near John Pollock, The Star of Murfreesboro was found. It significantly deviates from the definition of a backyard discovery because, despite being in someone's backyard, Pollock didn't find it.

The diamond in issue was found on March 1, 1964, and the location is now known as the Arkansas Diamond Mine. It weighs an astounding 34.25 carats and is the biggest diamond ever discovered by a tourist. It was appraised at $15,000 at the time, but by 2006, it was worth a more current $95,452.47.

The Murfreesboro Star.jpg?format=webp@Star Of Murfreesboro/WikiReader/YouTube.com

50. Cold War Refugee

The Zwick family didn't rush to explore the curious metal door they discovered on their property. In actuality, they waited ten years before peeping inside.

Fortunately, they only had to worry about a piece of history and nothing sinister! It was a war bunker that most likely dates to the Cold War era. Nevertheless, the bunker had recently been wet.

50. Cold War Refugee.jpg?format=webp@Wisconsin family discovers fully-stocked fallout shelter in their back yard 50 years after it was../Amazingfacts/YouTube.com
